Rahul Gandhi: Living for a difference

The enigmatic Rahul Gandhi talks about his life, living through struggles and what has kept him going…
He is the undisputed blue eyed boy of Indian Politics, with a steady head on his shoulders. The legendry surname ‘Gandhi’ and his father’s legacy
might have worked for him but Rahul is definitely the new league of young politicians that most of Indians would like to see at the top. But life hasn’t been easy. Facing his own battles at a very early stage, Rahul has seen life from every angle in true sense.
Rahul says, “My mother has been the sole inspiration of my life. I owe my life to her. I have seen my mother fight. She has faced situations when her back was to the wall. She faced a terrible time when my grandmother and my father were assassinated. But she never gave up. She has fought against odds.”
His father might have been the deciding factor in his life but Rahul emphasizes on the role his mother has played, “I barely saw my father. I saw him for one hour a day when he was in politics, and once in three days when he was a pilot. My mother was the one who hung out with my sister and me.”
An alumnus of distinguished educational institutions like Modern School, Delhi, the Doon School and St. Stephen's College, Delhi, Rahul's education was intermittently interrupted due to security reasons - periods during which he was home schooled. Following an MPhil in Development Economics from the Trinity College, Cambridge, Rahul worked in London with the strategy consultancy firm Monitor Group before returning to India in late 2002 to run an engineering and technology outsourcing firm in Mumbai. But according to Rahul these things have only helped him in his journey ahead in politics. He goes on to add, “Everything, every part of my life has only helped me. Though I am the same person.”
With a view to create more employment by reviving the automobile sector and handling a series of issues, Rahul definitely promises to be the young heroic leader India is seeking. Rahul says, “I am here as a sensible, responsible Indian citizen, because I want to help people get on track, from being distracted by dangerous issues like religious and caste hatred. My mother has taught me to be an Indian among a lot of other things. I want to see India where there will be no division based on caste, religion, money, fame or race. I am working towards that dream of mine and hope to get it fulfilled someday.”

Young though he may be, Rahul considers, “Lately there has been a lot of talk about the need for youth in politics; but let me tell you, if youth has certain advantages, it also suffers from a few handicaps --inexperience being the biggest. What we need is an ideal blending of the views expressed by the old and experienced and the ideas thrown up by less experienced youth.”
And very well, we’d say, he definitely appears working towards it!