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Educational opportunities in Azim Premji University

Sunday March 27, 2011 , 2 min Read

Azim Premji University is set to launch its three full-time Masters program in Education and Social Development sector. All the three courses currently offered would be ideal for Bachelors degree holders with interest in social change more specifically in elementary and secondary school education as well as social equality and development.

Below is a summary the courses offered by the university. For further details visit

Master of Arts in Development (M.A.)

The program is designed as a ‘development action’ course with an emphasis on leveraging the body of knowledge around theories in development and alternative action strategies for development outcomes.
The objective of this course is to create development professionals with,
  • Understanding and appreciation of linkages between multiple aspects of deprivation and discrimination.
  • Ability to directly influence holistic development outcomes in challenging environments.
  • Ability to understand context specific histories of communities with reference to global and international trends and forces of transformation

Masters in Teacher Education (Pre-requisite: Teaching certification and two-years of experience)

The program will be grounded on the premise that integration of theory, practice and research will make a significant impact on teacher education and thereby on school education… The key differentiators of this course from the current M.Ed. are:
  • Opportunities for practice at the teacher education level.
  • Specialization specific to the elementary or secondary stages.
  • Specialization specific to school subject pedagogy.

The Master of Arts in Education

This program aims to develop education professionals in areas other than teaching and teacher education. Such professionals can create a significant positive impact in the sector and include education administrators, curriculum designers, (social) entrepreneurs, policy specialists and researchers. The programme … will strive to empower a new generation of men and women with the understanding, expertise and diversity of skills to actively engage with issues in education.
The key differentiators of this course from the current M.A. (Education) are:
  • Focus on areas in education outside teaching.
  • Orientation to working with the disadvantaged