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NSEF Authors of Change to place 50 interns in 30 social enterprises this year

Saturday March 05, 2011 , 2 min Read

The National Social Entrepreneurship Forum (NSEF) (written previously about here) is conducting its 2nd annual Authors of Change initiative, which will connect and place 50 interns in premier social entrepreneurship organizations. These organizations include Naandi Foundation, Industree Crafts, Saath, Miracle Couriers, Ennovent, and Samhita Social Ventures among others.

The internship, which runs two-months in length, is run during students’ summers. Candidates are selected based on their demonstrated passion and commitment towards social change, leadership experience and their aspiration to become actual change agents. According to Yashveer Singh, a co-founder of NSEF, said that,

“Last year we received close to 500 applications for 25 odd positions in about fifteen partner social enterprises. Students from some of the best institutes in India like IIM’s, IIT’s,NIT’s St. Stephens, St Xavier’s were a part of this program. These students demonstrated a significant impact in their work which drew a lot of appreciation from our partner organizations. There were plenty of learning opportunities for these students to not only work at the grassroots but also get involved in some sort of strategic decision making processes of these organizations. Our placement process is respected a lot in these organizations and we try our best to make it a win-win situation for both the organizations and the students.”

More information can be found here.