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ACCESS announces Microfinance India Summit 2011 & Livelihoods India Conference 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011 , 2 min Read

The 8th Microfinance India Summit 2011 will be held from December 12-13, 2011 at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi. The annual Global Event organized by ACCESS captures current debates, issues and challenges that a growing microfinance sector in India faces as it strives to reach the poor with access to financial services. Over the years, the microfinance India Summit has emerged to become among the most important sectoral platforms globally, bringing together thought leaders to delve into and debate key current issues in the sector. Sub events at the Summit include

• Microfinance India Awards – December 12, 2011: Instituted by ACCESS and sponsored by HSBC in India the awards are presented to institutions and individuals who have contributed to the growth of the microfinance sector in India

• Release of the State of the Sector Report 2011: An annual publication presenting analysis of growth patterns, emerging trends and challenges for the sector

• Knowledge Fair: Stakeholders will showcase their products and programmes in a designated area at the Summit

The 4th Livelihoods India Conference will be held from December 14-15, 2011 in New Delhi. The Conference addresses diverse issues related to livelihoods promotion of the poor. Sectoral experts, practitioners as well as policy makers are invited to share their experiences, build consensus and define the road map and strategies for providing sustainable livelihoods solutions to the poor. The theme for the 2011 Conference is ‘Programmes for Livelihoods of Poor’. While it will focus on the four pillars relating to livelihoods as envisaged in the approach to the 12th Five Year Plan, several other issues relating to the livelihoods of the poor will also be discussed. Sub events at the Conference include

• Release of the State of India’s Livelihoods Report 2011: An annual publication with specific themes each year, the Report addresses contemporary issues impacting livelihoods of the poor in India.

• Release of the Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition 2011 Compendium The case study competition brings together the collective intellect in the country and assimilates innovative solutions, breakthroughs, good experiences and best practices that can help change the poverty status in India.

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Puja Gour – [email protected]