Save&Search: For Search Results You Want To Check Upon Later

This often happens, you’re looking for something on the omnipotent Google and you get what you want as the first link. Bingo! But below it, there are a few very interesting links you’d also want to check out but in this harsh world, deadlines have a stronger say and you give them a miss.Save&Search solves this problem beautifully. How? I’ll take an example here. Say, you’re working on a b-plan and type in “How to make a bplan” on Google. There, the first link looks good from a dependable source. You open it in a new tab and it looks fantastic; just what you wanted. You go back to the search page to close it but below the first link you see an interesting link to “Download a BPlan Creator”. You want this but not right now. Save&Search is made just for these situations. Go the link, copy the URL and paste it on Save&Search. Give it a tag and enter your email id. Job done; you’ll find the mail with the link happily sitting in your inbox for you to check out later.

Developed by Pushpendra Agrawal and team, the beta for Save&search has got great reviews. "We haven't thought about monetizing yet but once we get enough traffic, we might have strategically placed ads to generate some cashflow." says Pushpendra. Developed using PHP and JavaScript, Save&search is relying highly on the word of mouth for publicity. Going forward, "We are planning to bring all mobile apps, gtalk boat and easier interface to delete a save." informs Pushpendra.
The initial feedback have revealed some interesting thoughts:
- People who have understood S&S and its utility have said, "We'll use it".
- Many have expressed a desire to access the APIs to develop further some apps on it.
- Few have asked for a feature of tagging precisely with predefined topics and a few want to export their data.
A feature that will be admired by many is that no login is required; it's simple utility. Go, save your link, carry on with you work.
Sticking to the philosophy, here's the link: Save and Search. And just to keep you updated about the interesting things happening in Search, check out Hudku.