Sequoia Capital and Lightspeed Venture Partners Invest in OneAssist

OneAssist today announced the launch of its first few products – WalletAssist, MobileAssist, EverydayAssist and TripAssist. In an increasingly time poor world where the pressures of modern life bring many associated worries, OneAssist aims to create a ubiquitous platform for assistance and protection programs across different verticals helping consumers manage their lives without disruptions. OneAssist believes that a few essentials that form part of people’s everyday life also significantly increases their dependency on them – mobile phone, credit and debit cards, KYC documents and financial documents, passport for example are an integral part of a large number of people’s routine lives. Loss of any of these objects mostly leaves a person stranded and very helpless. OneAssist products and services are aimed at providing a solution to a number of such scenarios that interrupt normal routine, causing significant stress.
Said Gagan Maini, Co-Founder, OneAssist, “Our dependence on modern day convenience essentials like smart phones, payment cards have increased manifold. At OneAssist, we aim to be that one friend you can call in your moment of crisis no matter where you may be in the world. While we are starting with four products, we will over time also bring a wider suite of products to alleviate many more of everyday life’s worries of Indian consumers.”
In the event of a loss of a mobile handset, a member will only need to make one call to OneAssist to block one’s SIM & Phone, delete all data from the smartphone (photo, files & contacts) and also switch on a remote alarm on the handset. This is a unique proposition also covers the member against any SIM misuse. Besides they will be also able to restore and update all of the above data on their new handset. The technology platform used by OneAssist is independent of the operating system or telecom service providers.
OneAssist offers the facility of providing its members with a temporary handset in the event of phone loss while traveling within India where the contacts can be loaded to ensure that the member’s life continues as is.
Said Mohit Bhatnagar,Managing Director, Sequoia Capital , “Indian consumers need a convenient and swift way to replace a lost wallet or mobile. Any person who has lost his wallet or mobile understands the feeling of helplessness and desperation. That’s where OneAssist steps in and helps Indians "live uninterrupted". Sequoia is confident that this investment will help OneAssist scale quickly to address the large market need.”
Said Bejul Somaia, Managing Director, Lightspeed Advisory Services, “OneAssist’s entire proposition has been designed basis significant consumer understanding and research. Consumers increasingly seek conveniences and OneAssist through its basket of assistance & protection services provide unique solutions in very relevant areas that touch our daily lives.”
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