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MoveInSync provides a Viable Solution for Employee Transportation!

MoveInSync provides a Viable Solution for Employee Transportation!

Monday July 09, 2012 , 4 min Read

MoveInSync Logo
In cities like Hyderabad and Bangalore, owing to insane and ever-rising traffic, travelling from and to work is a major problem and occupies a large part of one’s day. Plus for companies that arrange transportation services for their employees, it becomes really complex to handle multiple routes and employee timings. MoveInSync looks to solve this issue by providing a SaaS(Software as a Service) model. The company operates a transport management platform which is used to move people or goods in an efficient manner.

The software ‘SynctoWork’ is used by organizations in IT, BPO and Airlines sectors to provide pickup and drop services for their employees.

The team

Deepesh Agarwal, CEO and co-founder of MoveinSync, and also an ISB grad, says that his biggest assets are his employees. Operating with an overall team of 17 currently, Akash Maheshwari and Anuvrata Arora, both with an experience of 13 years in the corporate world, are the COO and CTO respectively, besides being co-founders.

MoveInSync Team

Need for the software and How it Works

MoveinSync has spotted quite a few problems with the disorganised transportation system like rising employee transportation costs, long travel times, ever changing routes, difficulty to accommodate last minute changes and safety of women while travelling.

To combat such intricate scenarios, MoveInSync showcases the following features:

  1. Route Optimization & Cab Allocation: Based on the employee login time and address optimized routes are generated.
  2. Electronic Trip Sheets: Once the cabs are allocated, the trip sheets in electronic format are automatically downloaded on the screens of the in-cab android units
  3. Automated employee data capturing: Once the employees board the cab, the in-cab android units record the boarding time, alighting time and the kilometres travelled
  4. Automated billing: Since the working hours as well as the kilometres captured is generated, it removes the need for manual reconciliation of billing data
  5. Data Analytics: Reports such as Regular late boarding employees, Top 10% drivers, etc

Using the software also ensures benefits like Organisation cost saving, employee travel time reduction, Employee Safety Assurance, Data Compliance and Security.

Revenue Model and Marketing

Procuring the service would cost a mid-size company Rs 150 per month per employee while the entire risk of running, maintaining and hosting the system would be borne by MoveInSync. ”Also, our solutions drive home many benefits including a 20% savings, on average apart from increase in employee satisfaction and women safety,” adds Deepesh.

The service has been accepted very well by the corporate sector. Deepesh says, “We have the top clients in all the sectors. Not only do the end customers such as IT firms love our solution but also end users who are cab drivers feel that the technology has made their lives easier and also increased their monthly earnings. Our sales as of now is happening on a pull model i.e. customers are reaching out to us. However, as we grow we are working on a pull model via conferences, trade shows, digital media presence.

Also, since their solution addresses all aspects of employee transportation, customers sometimes find it hard to believe. “So, convincing them that we have actually solved a difficult transportation problem in a neat way is sometimes a hard sell. Building the team too had its fair share of obstacles and although there were a few niggles with finances, great employee spirit made sure that there was never a negative cash-flow” reveals Deepesh.

Due to the not-so-large nature of their team, they might not be able to focus completely new sectors immediately. There are plans though, of working actively in the courier and logistics space. “Plus we are open to working with 3rd party developers to use our platform and develop and sell their own solutions such school bus routing, etc.

All in all, it looks like Deepesh and Team MoveInSync have hit a really great market space and look to come up trumps in the road ahead.

Catch what they can offer on their website here and watch a demo of their product here.