Announces the Kick-Start of “The Awesome Startup Employee” Series

We at believe that all great work is done by teams of really smart and hardworking people working together. And as every startup founder will attest to, building a great team is a fantastic way to build the foundation for the startup's success.While the founders of startups get their fair share of media coverage and limelight, we also believe that there has to be focus on the early employees of these startups. These are the hard-working people that go above and beyond, and because they're involved in the startup from the start, they're the stewards of your startup's culture. These early, super-star employees are crucial for your startup's success.
In many ways, the early employees are the pillars that hold up the eco-system, enabling great products and great startups to be built. We at believe that the rock-star employees of a startup also deserve the limelight and their contributions and hard-work needs to be celebrated.
To that end, we're happy to announce a weekly series that we're calling "The Awesome Startup Employee", where we'll profile some of the early employees of startups, document their journey and recognize their contributions to the startup and to the ecosystem as a whole.
If you are a startup founder, please nominate your awesomest employees by filling out this form. And we promise to bring the right amount of spotlight to your most valuable employees.
For any queries, please write to [email protected] / call +91 8861 445 879