Looking for a Way to Archive Your Event on the Web? Head to Eventifier
We're in an age wherein any event has a presence on the web as much as it has in the physical world; perhaps even more so. Any event has huge amounts of data related to it in the form of tweets, photos, slides, updates and lots more; it's all there on the web but it is hugely scattered. Once the curtains are down, one usually goes to Storify to collate the tweets or crawls through the entire web to find stuff of importance. So was the case with Jazeel, a computer science graduate from Managalore, India.
It was only in June 2012 when Jazeel along with his friends Nazin, the back-end champ and Saud, the designer walked into in50hrs with an idea. No, the idea wasn't eventifier! They had an idea via which they wanted to alert users via text message whenever stock raes went up or down. Interesting? Well, the mentors didn't think so and asked them to pivot. The trio went back home and in a day came up with the idea of eventifier which was lying dormant till then. Eventifier allows you to collate all the information related to an event in one place. Just give in the Event name, the related twitter #hashtag and the email id; the link to the eventified page will be mailed into you. As sleek as it comes.
The eventifier team has archived more than 160 events till now and are getting 5-6 requests everyday off late. The eventified page gives you everything from the number of tweets that were made for a particular hashtag to the photos that were floated to the number of contributors. Following is the eventified version of the Techsparks 2012 Chennai Roundtable (REGISTER to attend the Grand Finale on September 8th in Bangalore)

Currently being incubated at The Startup Centre Eventifier is being mentored by the likes of Vijay Anand and Suresh Sambandan. Going forward, Jazeel and team plan to provide deep analytics with the basic offering and this will be one of the revenue streams they plan to open up soon. Still iterating on the product, Eventifier has come a long way very quickly! In a matter of 4 months, the product has been developed and hit the web. The swiftness and agility that the team has showcased is commendable and one could expect a lot more from the trio in the coming times.
Website: Eventifier