[Announcement] YourStory.in Launches ‘Techie Tuesdays’; A Showcase of Engineering Excellence
Steve Jobs needs no introduction but Dennis Ritchie does. Thomas Edison again needs no introduction but Nikola Tesla might. As is the case many a times, some people who do amazing work behind the curtains are overshadowed by the flamboyant ones. So is the case in the developer community.

Conventional media concentrates on the business kinds, the ones with ‘flair’. There’s nothing wrong about it but amidst this flamboyance, the hard core techies get left behind. It’s not that they’re craving for attention but a platform wouldn’t do them any harm. This blend of negligence from media and the engineers themselves being media shy keeps them in the dark from the rest of the world.
We at YourStory.in are going to try and change that.
Welcome to Techie Tuesdays, a showcase of excellence in the field technology where we find these rare gems and make them known to the world. In the coming weeks, we will cover Designers, Developers, Engineers and everyone else under the technology umbrella and make their thoughts and approach to their craft open to the masses who aspire to be like them.
Furthermore, we will help you connect with them so that you can get in touch with these superstars for professional help.
The first Techie Tuesday goes up in a few hours. Stay tuned to find out our first ever tech superstar on Techie Tuesdays.
Do you know a God level programmer? Or a Picasso on the web? You can nominate him/her for our Techie Tuesday column and we will get in touch with them. Drop in your nomination at [email protected]