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Mymo Wireless Technologies - A high potential business from the research labs of IISc

Mymo Wireless Technologies - A high potential business from the research labs of IISc

Friday January 18, 2013 , 3 min Read

Academia plays a very important role in the startup ecosystem. Research labs in these academic institution are the breeding grounds for innovative ideas that gives rise to path breaking discoveries and inventions. These researches have the potential to fuel tomorrow’s businesses by being startups of their own.

Potential here, is the key word. A perennial challenge that academic projects have faced in the past are in the slow development processes, which eventually kill the project itself. Projects remain being a thesis – nothing more than a proposition.

Well, the solution to this problem can only come from someone who’s dealt with the problem and the people behind MYMO Wireless technologies have addressed it in their area of expertise in a very effective way.


Helping academic projects be more than just thesis’

MYMO Wireless Technologies is one of the many innovative companies incubated at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. In a team of electronics and communications engineers, many in the top level management are PHd scholars, who have gone through the pains of having to leave projects because of various constraints.

Dr. Sondur Lakshmipati, the founder of MYMO wireless explains, “4G LTE technology is really going to pick up especially in India and there are a lot of applications and algorithms that can leverage this platform. However there are some constraints especially in the technology development cycle. While implementing an algorithm, you have to port your algorithm to a digital signal processor (DSP), which is time consuming. The people who develop the algorithms usually wouldn’t have know-how to program on a DSP. Errors are inevitable and by the time you iron out all of them, you have to submit your thesis.”

Addressing this very barrier is MYMO technology's MW1000, which is a test bed for LTE algorithms. With MW1000 scholars don’t have to go through the pains of implementing their algorithm’s code in a DSP. The MW1000 is aimed at enabling design engineers with the ability to rapidly prototype their algorithms by cutting short the technology development cycle. Check out the video to understand in detail –

Essentially, the MW1000 allows the designer to iron out all the errors in the algorithm before coding it for the DSP, so that it needs to be done only once.

A huge business opportunity

What was really encouraging to hear is that they already have quite a few Indian and international clients, including IIIT Hyderabad. They also confirmed that they had some corporate clients whom they couldn't disclose for various reasons.

What we see from this trend is that the world is taking anything to do with 4G LTE technology pretty seriously. It is also good to see educational institutions shell out the big bucks for the MW1000. Dr. Lakshmipati also had said that the MW1000 can be used for educational and training purposes as the system has features of signal logging, signal visualization and protocol analysis.

Tools such as the MW1000 allows researchers to concentrate on the algorithms without having to worry about the nitty-gritties of coding for DSPs and by the looks of it, people are willing to shell out a bomb for it. Will we see MYMO Technologies emerge as premier players in 4G LTE space? Certainly looks like it.