Four most important checkpoints secured by Junglee for

At the time of Junglee’s acquisition by Amazon in 1998 there were a few questions in the market as to why Amazon wants to spend money on a service that will redirect traffic to their competitors as well. Maybe Amazon was interested in a ‘product ad’ thing back then but all we know is that Junglee was launched last year in India as a free service for buyers and sellers, let’s see the four most important checkpoints secured by Junglee for Amazon.1. User Interests – India is a huge market populated with buyers and sellers, both not so old in the online scene. Understanding what people actually want to buy online plus how they judge something worth buying was a big code to crack initially (and yet). So the first thing Junglee gifted to Amazon is a total analysis of user behaviour in a new industry for India and a new market for Amazon, before their official launch of market place in India they are here with a pilot research on what and how to offer in product segment online. Success effect of Indian online retail comes with how faster you can deliver and how much cheaper than others.
2. Domestic Networking – Either the customer data or the seller’s, Junglee got them all by giving good price comparison tools for customers and traffic/customers to retailers acting as a free agent. Both ways a win-win situation. Customers were signing-in into the Amazon’s account and sellers’ mostly small players were dealing with Amazon’s team. Obviously they helped and treated them very well. They tested new start-ups by creating some dummy orders and asking about some customer privileges which went well with some or improved some others (After all they need good sellers at Amazon). At this point Junglee has already built a good network of sellers for profit sharing market place.
3. User’s trust – This one I consider the best gift overall, and here comes the customer feedback/review section of Junglee where users complaint or appreciate the seller recommended by Junglee. If it’s a complaint Junglee acts as a customer friend cum advocate and asks retailers to try resolving the matter with critic customer. Simply if it was a good purchase users thank Junglee for recommending and if it was a bad one Junglee again earns a Hi5 by arranging help. Amazon got a great hand in service and customer delight overseas but it was compulsory to tell most of the Indian audience and Junglee did it.
4. Platform and preferences – Junglee got all the products listed with perfect traffic ranks in India as a price/product search engine. As Amazon will someday sell all of them they have a crowded place to showcase them as a top order seller among all other players. I tried checking in books “Inferno by Dan Brown” I saw Amazon as a seller at spot #1, Seller on spot #2 was selling on same price and delivery time, Just for a random thought I smiled and clicked on Amazon’s link and right there I discovered Seller #2 of Junglee as a seller#1 on Amazon. If I need to buy that book I will buy from Amazon because I will find my comfort in dealing with Amazon’s customer support and information flow with customers. Not to ignore Junglee got listed the products sold in offline stores as well so in this case Amazon will get an exclusive right hand spot as only online seller and their logistic arrangements will do the further trick.
Till so many cards are unopened let’s wait and watch what else Junglee got for Amazon from here, Still Indian Marts, Karts and Deals will not sit idle and we expect a positive and healthy competition ahead.

About the author: Atin Sharma is a positive thinker and motivator, he is a mechanical engineer by education but his understanding of customers and youthful entrepreneurs made him interact with the start-up world. Strive to help youth independent artists of Theater and Music. Be friends @iAtinSharma on twitter.