List of Trip Planning startups from India

The travel sector in India boasts of MakeMyTrip, the biggest startup success story in the Indian online space. Post MMT, there have been a lot of players who have entered the space but none has tasted such success. There are multiple areas within the travel sector where a startup operates (MMT is in the transaction space). Trip Planning comes before this and here we list out the options available (Indian companies in no particular order):iXiGO's Trip Planner: A product from iXiGO, the trip planner gives the user all information for associated with a trip. For instance, if someone is traveling from Delhi to Goa, the user will get to know all the available modes of travel, places to see within a destination, good times to visit and all such meta information. (website link).
MustSeeIndia: 4 years into existence, MustSeeIndia has helped thousands of travelers plan their itineraries and and has been growing rapidly over the years. Relies on the heavy data at the backend and promises fast, simple and good quality travel packages. (website link)
Mygola: Helps the user custom trips with one of the largest collection of curated itineraries. For instance, if you're planning a trip to Dharamshala, Mygola gives you a list of trips made my expert travelers about how they went about it and how you can learn from it. (website link)
TravelTriangle: TT allows users to build personalized holidays at affordable prices by letting them have quotes from multiple agents at the local destination. TT basically gives you the power to bargain. (website link)
TripThirsty: Helps people travel more by connecting them with friends who are interested in the same trip, and get them deals to make the trip a reality. (website link)
HolidayIQ's HolidayIdeas: A product from HolidayIQ, it helps users reserach and plan their trip. (website link)
Elan Adventures: Helps with planning adventurous trips across India. (website link)
Traverik: Bases itself on the premise of a quick travel planner and the 'social' angle wherein people can share their itineraries and collaborate. (website link)
Holidayen: Deals with planning trips once you're at the destination. For instance, it can plan your entire visiting plan within Bangkok. (website link)
Tripzmate: Let's a user find a companion for traveling (website link)
Triptern: A trip planner leveraging the poser of social. User needs to select the destination to visit, add places to visit and can share the trips. (website link)
The India Backpacker: For the traveler soul looking to take a break and back pack across India, The Indian backpacker plans trips. Focus is on the areas which can help a backpacker choose safe places to stay and eat (website link)
These were some of the upcoming trip planners that have blossomed recently. A common trend observed within travel startups is that people who are enthusiastic about travel end up setting up companies to help others travel. Many of them are aggregators while the ones listed here are just trip planners. iXiGO and MustSeeIndia are currently ahead in the race owing to the years of accumulated data which they can harness but there's a lot of room for others to explore here.
Please comment in with names if we've missed out any of Indian companies in the trip planning space.