Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can now register online in Gujarat
In a new development (hat tip: @iSchrodinger), the Gujarat government has encouraged entrepreneurship by making it easier for MSMEs to register by bringing the process online. This facility will spare entrepreneurs the hassle of making multiple visits to the District Industries Centre to apply for registration and then tracking the status of their application.
DNA reports that the facility was started by the industries commissionerate on July 1 for Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar and was then opned up for the entire state on July 3. The industries commissioner Kamal Dayani said,
The purpose of the online facility is to make the registration procedure industry-friendly, transparent and also faster. The entrepreneurs will not have to visit the DIC for any formalities. They will be able to track the application status, get acknowledgement for Entrepreneurs Memorandum (EM) part I, and also receive the registration certificate online.
The announcement is live at www.ic.gujarat.gov.in but the strange part remains that all the links on the page don't take you anywhere (at the time of writing). The good part is that all the contact details are available on the page and maybe it is a technical glitch which will hopefully be sorted soon.
Currently, there an estimated 4.50 lakh registered MSME units in Gujarat and this move will encourage setting up more of them which will create more jobs. This move is a part of the IT roadmap and many other facilities on the internet and mobile are on its way if things move on smoothly.
Website: Industrial Commissionerate