KIIT Technology Business Incubator: Supporting the technopreneurship wave in Odisha
Odisha, a state in eastern India, has been rising slowly and steadily, on the growth curve. The state now boasts of a number of universities, and also an increasing momentum in terms of entrepreneurship. For instance, small meetups happen like Bootstrap at Breakfast. Fuelling this trend in entrepreneurship is KIIT Technology Business Incubator.

The incubator has been involved in the process of development of an entrepreneurial culture through its work with innovators. Established in the year 2009, KIIT has had a thrust on Biotechnology and Information & Communication Technology (ICT), and is now also focusing on other emerging areas in engineering and technology, and rural innovations.
During a very short period of its existence, KIIT-TBI has so far incubated 23 business entities out of which six have graduated out to set up full-scale commercial enterprises. KIIT-TBI accelerates the development of entrepreneurial businesses by providing them with assistance, which addresses the particular needs of new companies during the key stages of development such as product characterization, prototyping, market development and continuous innovation.
Here are the 6 graduated companies:
1) RoboticWares: Develops robotic products like (FarEye Vehicle Tracking System with ignition control, live SMS notifications and many more advanced features), and Suraksha (SMS alert on LPG leakage).
2) helloDoctor24*7: A company to provide healthcare information to the people using telephone and the internet.
3) Innovators Lab: Bridging the gap between idea and innovation through technology.
4) iCreatorz: Development of the society by the effective application of technical ideas in the form of technology and projects.
5) Kanak Biofertilizers: An integrated company engaged in production and promotion of organic fertilizers, biofertilizers and micronutrients.
6) Centre for Nature conservation and Biosafety
Website: KIIT-TBI