Success is a combination of hard work and opportunity - AIESEC
A person with an idea is a thinker. A person who implements that idea is an entrepreneur.
Most people almost always have brilliant ideas, and then those ideas die of loneliness. There is a common widespread misconception that success is just hard work. Success is a combination of hard work and the given opportunity. These opportunities are the reason why some startups succeed and some never go beyond the first stage.
India has been one of the newer emerging economies. Indian entrepreneurs are more aware of the effect that the world economic and public trends have on the economy and the market. India has a versatile, worldly wise, and extremely well-read youth population of over 350 million. And, to an extent, the existing job opportunities do not have that wide a scope for development as entrepreneurship does. India, as a country, has a low employable rate, owing to factors such as mismatch of education and industrial requirements, and inflexible bureaucracy. Youth to business forum offers a platform for the youth to discuss, act, and engage in entrepreneurship and leadership.
A lot of times, usually more often than you'd think, things come down to what they are collectively assumed as a stereotype. When a person thinks of an entrepreneur it usually translates as that they've lost their job and decided to give themselves a rather fancy title while they sit at home.
The modern ideal of being an entrepreneur and owning your business has not caught on.
AIESEC in Mumbai aims to break these stereotypes. By making students aware that irrespective of their field of study, what they do in their daily lives can have an uncanny effect on the current business scenario.

The entire concept aims to reach out to the youth with a series of pre-events and then the final event. The pre-events consist of workshops in various colleges. The forum will allow students to familiarise themselves in a series of workshops taking place in IITB, KJ Somaiya and MPSTME. The workshops will be conducted by Blue Ribbon Movement, Google Business Groups and Mind Map Trainer.
This Youth to Business forum aims to engage students in workshops and discussions ranging from entrepreneurship to corporate responsibility making sure the theme of breaking stereotypes is intact.
The event will give the delegates an opportunity to interact with speakers like Devita Saraf and Mahesh Murthy.
This forum aims to create opportunities and give the youth of today a stronger sense of personal and civic awareness and the confidence that their ideas can be implemented.
And thus, in a small way, play a part in creating the leaders of tomorrow.
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