[Saturday Support] Help support these innovative, interesting crowdfunded projects
Crowdfunding is arising as a perfect tool to innovate social projects: it empowers and connects thousands of people online around the world to discuss and invest in a project they believe in. It can be the most democratic and interactive way to create change, while it decentralizes the power of a single person, founder or investor to a group, therefore enabling projects that would never be conventionally financed to become possible and benefit thousands.
Anyone who starts a project can register their cause in a collective funding website, stipulate an amount of money required to make it happen and a deadline for the sum to be raised. The method used for funding on Kickstarter is the all-or-nothing, in which projects need to be funded 100 percent within the given time, otherwise supporters receive the amount invested back. On the other hand, Indiegogo gives all funds raised to the fundraiser, even if it the campaign does not reach its goal.

In order to mobilize the interest of the crowd and inspire people, we at Social Story will showcase every week interesting and valuable social campaigns to light your heart up and engage you to support an action that promotes social change.
1) Improve school sanitation and honor ex-staff of a 100-year old government school in Karnataka:
A 100-year old government run school in Bangalore, Karnataka
What for?
Build toilets, get the school painted, organize the 100-year anniversary celebration and honor its ex-staff.
How much?
Rs. 3 lakh
2) Empower women in India by helping them take charge of their own safety:
Sayfty, helps Indian women protect themselves against sexual violence and abuse with the help of personal safety products, self-defense training & awareness.
What for?
Sayfty plans to equip 1800 women pepper spray and self-defense classes for 200 women in Delhi and Mumbai.
How much?
3) Bringing innovative, low-cost heathcare to rural India: Doorstep Health:
Doorstep Health provides affordable healthcare solutions to rural communities by remotely connecting them to doctors using technology.
What for?
Help 1,500 patients to manage their diseases, supported by highly qualified doctors, through a partnership with a hospital chain. Also screen an additional 7,500 people in rural communities in rural India for disease. Perfect the Doorstep Health model and document its success so that it can be replicated.
Increase awareness of Doorstep Health.
How much?
4) ChangeBhai – A Social Impact Initiative To Bring About A Change In India!
ChangeBhai is an online platform that seeks to empower ordinary individuals to report problems that they see around them. The ChangeBhai platform then channelizes the issue to the right authorities.
What for?
Launch awareness campaign in school and colleges in Mumbai, Pune and New Delhi.
How much?
5) Help me help canine rabies and population control in India:
Elliot Kneba, a clinical veterinary student will work with Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) for two weeks to receive training and perform high quality, high volume spays and neuters.
What for?
Travel to India, accommodation, food, travel insurance, a visa, and the cost of the training program itself. Kneba will pay for the trip out of pocket if he’s unable to raise money for the trip.
How much?
6) Saving road accident victims in India:
SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF) has created India’s first community-driven emergency medical response network leveraging trained volunteers, mobile technology and the police to ensure rapid care for road crash victims.
What for?
SLF plans to train 1000 Police personnel and citizen volunteers to become medical first responders to road crash victims in Delhi. The initiative is estimated to help 10,000 accident victims gain access to rapid medical response giving them a fair chance at survival.
How much?
7) Help Shivali Malhotra represent India in the Rome RomeMUN conference:
The RomeMUN conference will be a simulation of 7 UN Committees. The theme of the 2014 conference will be “BEYOND 2015: A NEW AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT
Shivali Malhotra, a young 21-year old with a 40 per cent disability from Delhi.
What for?
Malhotra has been selected as a delegate for ROME Model United Nations Conference organized by United Nations and has been offered conference fee and accommodation. She needs to spring for travel and visa related charges.
How much?
1000$ (Rs. 60,000/)