Top Jobs of the Day - Plivo, MockBank and MeraCareerGuide have openings for you

There is no finish line. So love the journey - David Weekly, Founder and Chairman - PBWorks
-’s suite of applications is designed to assist schools and college students. Students can get expert advice, learning tips and use psychometric tools to help match their aptitude with their career choice. They have a job opening for a machine learning expert.
- Plivo is a startup that makes it easier for businesses and software developers to use Cloud-powered Voice and SMS communications. They are looking to hire a Content Writer.
- MockBank has a bank of mock tests that the students can buy. Test preparation is a huge market in India and this has been proved by the number of startups vying for a share of the pie. MockBank has an opening for General Management.
You can check out more exciting startups who are waiting to hire passionate people like you at

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