Take the YourStory Quiz: Logos, Iron Man and more
The weekend’s here and it’s time for some fun. With that end in mind, we are starting off the YourStory quiz this week. Take a shot at it and send us your answers in the form at the bottom. The quiz is open until Friday and we’ll announce the winners on Saturday. And yes, there is a prize for the winner who we’ll select through a lucky draw of all the correct answers.

1. Helvetic Brands (logo seen below) is a design consultancy in Lausanne and they market themselves as ‘Outside the box design, Swiss style.’ A recent rebranding for an Indian company has been done by Helvetic Brands. Which company/brand?

2. A U.S. Navy ship, the Cray XE6 supercomputer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) in California and a study room at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden are all named after a certain personality.Google also featured a doodle (pictured) to celebrate the personality’s 107th birthday. Who are we talking about?

3. As per its website, TenTenTen, founded by Ramesh Srivats, creates cool apps that help cool brands connect with cool customers. Just tell us how does the company TenTenTen get its name?
4. Robert Downey Junior, who plays the titular role in the ‘Iron Man’ movies, is said to have based his character on this personality. He also recently made an appearance in a recent ‘South Park’ episode (pictured). Who are we talking about?

5. The Ushanka (pictured), which is a traditional Russian fur cap, is featured on the mascot of which in-the-news company?

6. This non-profit foundation founded in 1995 designs and manages public competitions intended to encourage radical technological development that could benefit mankind. Their Board of Trustees include James Cameron, Larry Page, Arianna Huffington, and Ratan Tata among others. Name the foundation which has recently entered India, with an initial India prize purse of ₹10 crore to ₹30 crore?
7. He was selected as one of ‘Time’ 100 Most Influential personalities in 2010 for his work in educating illiterate and semi-literate rural Indians. Interestingly, he was the National Runner-up in squash in 1964, and participated in three world squash championships representing India. Name this famous social entrepreneur and the college that he founded which is based on the principles of Mahatma Gandhi on sustainability that"helps rural communities become self-sufficient."

8. "I am in this really lucky position, where I get to wake up every day and help serve more than a billion people. And I feel like I am not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life."
a. Which entrepreneur recently answered as above when a question relating to his dressing was asked?
So, what are you waiting for? Put on your thinking (or Googling) hats and get cracking on this.
Give your answers below.