[YS Quiz] Which company has Fight Club's lines as their core principle?
This is the fifth version of YourStory quiz. Winners for the last quiz have been announced. This quiz has been prepared in partnership with Walnut Knowledge Solutions. Take a shot at it and send us your answers in the form at the bottom. The quiz is open until Friday and we’ll announce the winners on Saturday. And yes, there is a prize for the winner who we’ll select through a lucky draw of all the correct answers.
The winner of the Dec 6 quiz is Ramana Prasad. Congratulations Ramana, you will receive your prize shortly.Click here for the answers of Dec 6 quiz.

1. Which company’s official blog has this as the opening of a post, that explains one of their core principles?

Answer: WhatsApp explaining their policy of why they do not sell ads.
2. On which messaging app would you come across these region-specific stickers?

Answer: Hike Messenger.
Check their site to have a look at the variety of stickers they have for 11 states in the country.
3. Connect the below acceptance speeches to a famous award often touted as the “Oscars of the Internet”:
Al Gore - "Please don't recount this vote."
Vinton Cerf - "We all invented the Internet."
Stephen Colbert “Me. Me. Me. Me. Me”
Sir Tim Berners Lee "Free, open... Keep one Web"
Answer: Webby Awards.
They are especially popular for the “5 word acceptance speeches” given by the awardees.
4. This Indian start-up made news when it spent USD 1 Million on buying the .com domain in the name of the start-up and the phone number 3333333333 (akin to JustDial’s 8888888888) to facilitate international presence and local presence in India, respectively. Give us a name.
Answer: Housing.com.
Read more about the purchase here: http://yourstory.com/2013/09/housing-com-domain-all3s/
5. What’s the story behind this GIF?

Answer: The number of views for PSY’s Gangnam Style video that broke the 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647 views).

6. He is the author of the book “Conquering the Chaos: Win in India, Win Everywhere”. He spent 16 crucial years at Cummins India and was instrumental in setting up Cummins College of Engineering, India’s first college of engineering for women in Pune. Who are we talking about?
Answer: Ravi Venkatesan, former Chairman, Microsoft India.
Read about Ravi’s talk at the Grand Finale of TechSparks 2014 here: http://yourstory.com/2014/10/ravi-venkatesan-microsoft-techsparks-2014/
7. In 1983, R Prabhakar (pictured), an entrepreneur, inspired by the fast-food chains abroad started the first of its kind called ‘Cafe _____’ in Jayanagar, Bangalore. The model focused on tasty, quick and efficiently produced local food at an affordable price. Today there are close to 5,000 of them in Bangalore. Fill in the blank or give us a name.

Answer: Darshinis, a popular kind of eateries in Bangalore.
8. Connect the company and the person to a service/app that claims to have a 70% market share in its business.

Answer: BookMyShow.com. AshishHemrajani is the founder and chief executive officer of Bigtree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., that owns the website Bookmyshow.com.
Read more about Ashish’s story at: http://yourstory.com/2014/06/bookmyshow-ashish-hemrajani/
Walnut Knowledge Solutions (www.walnuts.co.in) is a Bangalore-based organisation founded by two lawyers, Raghav Chakravarthy and Sachin Ravi, focused on quizzing and the use of knowledge-based tools for engagement, learning, and development. In short, they conduct quizzes across topics and platforms, pursue teaching initiatives at schools, engage brand/employees through quiz-based events and develop content (for apps, websites and other visual mediums).