6 things an Indian entrepreneur should hope for in this New Year
2015 has arrived. A new year and the time for making those resolutions! An entrepreneur's life is hard enough but being in India, the number of variables multiply. There are very straightforward things that take far too much time and effort! in this article, let me make an attempt to list the most significant 'hopes' (both serious and light) for Indian entrepreneurs at this stage:
6) Make your relatives understand
Making your relatives understand the purpose of ‘what exactly you're doing’ is as difficult as maintaining a new year resolution. People assume that you're walking the entrepreneurial path since you couldn't manage to get into an MNC. So this year, lets make sure we get to a stage where people understand and recognize our efforts.

5) Make great companies
We’ve often heard success stories of entrepreneurs, who have sold their business ideas through a simple presentation and have been successful in raising funds too, but mostly in other parts of the world. So, this year lets build great startups that compel investors to write checks instantly.
4) Payments
For entrepreneurs in India, it's always a challenge to bill customers across the world. Let’s address our challenges to the government and make it possible to accept payments across the globe, through emphasizing on MakeInIndia campaigns.

3) Sleep early; Wake up early
An entrepreneur’s health is always at a toss, with late night coding and early morning calls, you can't really picture a six pack. So this year, let's stay healthy and make it to our dream place.
2) Get married
For any startup guy, getting funded is way easier than getting married. World startup report reveals the same, India’s male startup entrepreneurs have trouble finding wives. This year, let's start a few billion dollar companies that break this myth and encourage fellow youngsters in the country to participate in the start-up revolution.

1) Better governance
Lets hope that DoT realizes that platforms like Github are a part of our life and are significant in making MakeInIndia dream come true. Blocking such sites not only kills the startups, it destroys the entire ecosystem.
Author: Laxman Papineni is the founder of AppVirality. He can be reached at [email protected].