What time is a good time for hiring image consultant
Even as the startup segment is booming with brilliant minds starting young ventures, competition is also growing. In the era of constant emergence of new businesses, it is crucial for a company to be heard and noticed.

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A typical startup has so many things happening that it can get overwhelming at times. It struggles to find the right talent, generate revenues, attract the right investors, meet day-today business requirements etc., all with limited resources and a small team to run the show. In all the efforts taken to fulfill these things, one often forgets the importance of building a brand name. To have a successful and sustainable business model, one needs to establish credibility with everyone, whether it is investors, potential customers, and probably even parents.
Related read: Why should startups invest in image management

The essence of communication while building a start up
Communication is key to manage the flow of information between a business and the public. Understanding the crux of this dialogue is particularly imperative in the internet age where news breaks at lightning speed and every brand wants to be spotted. Therefore, it is essential to have the PR strategies in place.
Time and again questions have been raised on when a start up should look for an image consultant. Well, the answer to this is fairly simple: it is right before you need one. An image or brand reputation management consultant/agency can further fuel the organisation’s success. As a startup or even as an established company you need significant visibility to reach your target audience.
Understanding that brand and Image Building is a journey:
Many entrepreneurs and startups are unclear about marketing and publicity - what needs to be done, when, how much and the timeframe. There is a huge gap between what is the required spectrum and go-to market time available at hand.
It is imperative to be aware that image building is a slow process: it is like a snowball, the longer it rolls, the more it captures and gets larger. Consequently, for the brand to become familiar and credible, it is not advisable to wait until later to start the building process. One can’t afford to miss out on the mileage that comes from coverage.
As one may consider the alternatives available, it’s important to realise that a solid public relations campaign will take a few months to show results.
Keeping realistic expectations while shooting for the stars!
Startups should have realistic expectations. They need to be clear what they want to achieve and set a clear demarcation between perceptions and reality. A well-trained image consultant or PR team understands that not all news is good news and knows which medium will be most effective to reach the right set of audience to create business impact.
Most proficient image consultants will know the time, content and means by which communication needs to take place as these professionals also have access to contacts that will further visibility and build awareness for your brand.
It is advisable that a startup engages an image consultant or consultancy when it is ready to launch in the market. An image consultancy or PR agency will almost always come in handy for a startup business when partnered at the right time and for the right purpose.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory)