Women empowerment: how you can lead the change too
Earlier this week, two inspirational leaders Oprah Winfrey and first lady Michelle Obama sat down at The United State of Women in Washington, D.C. Michelle Obama urged men to be better fathers, husbands, and employers. But the one important takeaway she wanted the audience especially the young women to carry with them was “don’t be complacent.” Referring to young men and women in the audience she said, “We can never be complacent and think that we have arrived as women. The work always continues.”

From Susan B. Anthony in the US to Vida Goldstein from Australia to women in India like Jyotiba Phule, the list is long.
How are women manifesting their thoughts in the 21st century and being heard? What are we doing today to not be complacent?
My choice to do what I want ‑ This is an important question each one of us need to ask ourselves. Can you make your own choices, follow your heart and dreams and be yourself? That is the world we have to move towards, that is the way to empowerment – women empowerment.
Ask the right questions.
Don’t give up. Push as hard as you can to make your dreams come true.
Education is an important tool to empowerment. Learn to lead and lead to empower.
Let’s not shy away. Let us speak up and let our voices be heard.
Stand up for yourself and others.
Break stereotypes and men have to speak up for women too.
Given how the laws, the perception, and the status of women in the society has changed over the years, it is essential to continue striving to push for the rights, push for equal pay and equal work, push for quality when it comes to household chores and responsibilities, and for a society where both wen and women are at par with each other.
So the fight is on, don’t get complacent and remember the words of Ayn Rand. “The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”