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6 tips to turn your passion into a home-based business

6 tips to turn your passion into a home-based business

Saturday August 27, 2016 , 3 min Read

What do Apple, Disney and Harley-Davidson have in common? They all started as minimum-scale, home-based businesses. With the World Wide Web bridging the gap between office and home-based jobs, setting up a home-based business is no longer a far fetched dream.You just need the time and energy to set up a business and grow it,and now it can be all be done without even setting foot outside your house.

Keep your idea simple and choose something you are passionate about and watch it all fall into place! Here are some handy tips that can help your home-based venture take flight:


Image : shutterstock

Mark your work territory

With a home-based business,you save on rent for office space and commute time. But remember to have a designated workspace in your home so that you do not end up mixing business affairs with family matters. A pet shredding up documents or a child deleting all saved work on your computer is something you do not want happening!

Think smart, think free

Make use of free software and other cost-efficient methods to further your business. You may not like penny pinching, but as an entrepreneur, you will have to cut corners to stay afloat, at least in the initial stages. Google’stools, Evernote,Dropbox and so on are designed to help you improve your business with their offerings being either free or at minimal cost. Use blogging platforms like WordPress and Tumblr to publish articles about yourself. The same applies to social media marketing tools as well. Use free versions of services like Hootsuite and Sprout Social.

Legitimacy is the name of the game

Register your company and turn it into a legitimate business. Invest in an online domain name and make a website to showcase all your products and services in an interesting manner. It also sends the message to clients that you are serious about this venture and that it wasn’t founded on a whim.

Sell your product

Cost-cutting is fine while using online tools for your business, but don’t skimp on the essential stuff. For instance, product marketing is crucial to the success of your business. Shell out some bucks to ensure that there is no compromise on product quality and that word about it gets out through the right channels to the right people. Milk social media networks for all they are worth. No publicity brings you satisfaction as free publicity does!

Don’t shy away

Asking for help where required doesn’t make you look bad or weak. If you need to outsource your work, collaborate with other similar businesses and freelancers. Don’t stretch yourself too thin in a bid to do everything yourself when someone else can do these tasks just as easily and sometimes even better than you do.Delegating minor tasks to other people will not only provide employment to others but will also let you focus on your work.

Build bridges

Expand your customer base by nurturing a close relationship with your customers. Make sure you update them frequently about new products and significant developments. In turn, ask your clients to give you referrals for future work opportunities.

Keep these pointers in mind as you kick start your home-based business and, before you know it, you will find yourself on the path to success.