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6 signs of a truly exceptional employee

6 signs of a truly exceptional employee

Sunday September 25, 2016 , 3 min Read

We all know that different individuals come together as a comprehensive employee unit to make a company work. Some of the employees are average, being quite good at following instructions. A few others are lethargic and need a constant push to be in sync with the schedule. There is also a third type, who are excellent to work with, always recommended for promotions and are brilliant team players. These employees are considered to be the truly exceptional kind who serve as role models to the rest. But it is more than just their laser-sharp focus and remarkable attention to detail that makes them exceptional. Here’s what else makes them so:


Image : shutterstock

They work hard and focus harder

It has been seen that when a plane is in trouble, those pilots who concentrate more on identifying the problem rather than on keeping the plane up, ran it into the ground. Exceptional employees always keep in mind the basic principle of ‘just flying the plane’. These employees easily distinguish between background noise and the real problem at hand and opt to stay focussed no matter what. Whether it is complaining customers or squabbles in the office or at home, an exceptional employee stays focussed on the task in hand.

They take responsibility for their work

Many businesspeople refuse to stand up and accept errors they have made. An exceptional employee, on the other hand, is always willing to take complete responsibility for his or her work and actions. This employee is accountable for the work at hand, ensuring they communicate the details of the error and working toward correcting the it.

They go beyond their roles

Exceptional employees are always tinkering with something even after their allotted work is completed. The employee is never satisfied with being idle and chooses to work on anything that needs to be fixed, such as adjusting a timeline, refining a process or tweaking a workflow. It has been noticed that good employees follow the processes at hand, while exceptional employees follow processes and then come up with ways to make those processes better. They do this not because they are expected to but because they want to. It is quite common for them to work beyond their responsibilities.

They ask the question nobody else will

Sometimes, it takes just one person to communicate what is on everybody’s mind. Not every employee wishes to come forward to raise important questions, for fear of the hierarchy or hesitation over the possible consequences. This delays the clearing of the conflict at hand and building a well-rounded and diverse workforce. An exceptional employee tends to be aware of the concerns and issues of the people around him or her and steps up to raise the questions on everyone’s mind for the benefit of the rest.

They accept ambiguity

Situations and people are never black and white. Companies hire employees who are able to find their own solutions. An exceptional employee is known to accept ambiguity and is capable of sizing up the situation quickly, not overanalysing the moment, and taking immediate action. You can even say they work better in the ‘grey area’ helping to ‘fill in the blanks’.

They are excellent communicators

You may have noticed how your fellow exceptional employees articulate their thoughts well and leave their listeners pondering over their ideas. The influence of their style of communication always provides meaningful responses without altering or damaging their role in any way. Along with being a good communicator, an exceptional employee is a good observer and listener.

Exceptional employees are rare gems, but when found, must be valued. They help your team grow professionally which, in turn, helps the company.