5 things you should start doing to earn that promotion
In today’s fiercely competitive world, the rules of the workplace have significantly changed. Gone are the days when promotions were handed on the basis of seniority. Today, promotions are handed on merit, not tenure. If the company sees potential even in a young graduate trainee, the gold star could very well be handed over to him. Most companies have review systems for career advancement, but those accountabilities lie within the hands of the immediate manager. What can you do to make the difference?

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If you're planning ahead, you have to focus on getting on the right path from the very first day of the new job or position. So if you’re looking to move up in your professional life, here are some tips to earn the promotion you are vying for:
Seek a mentor
The importance of a mentor is often underestimated, but it’s one of the most valuable gift you can give your professional self. A good mentor will not just provide you with words of wisdom about their experiences and company knowledge but will also help you climb up the career ladder by introducing you to the right people and putting forth your good work before them.
Create a good relationship with your boss
Let’s face the truth – career advancement will never be possible if you don’t share a good relationship with your boss. This, of course, doesn’t mean you have to resort to flattery and run useless personal errands for him. If you share a mutually respectable relationship with each other, you will receive constructive feedback and criticism from your boss that will help you improve on the job. You will also be able to share your ideas and opinions without inhibition. Who knows, maybe out of those many ideas, one might just turn out to be the key to that promotion!
Network within the company
Building a good rapport at work is very important. Simply being in your boss’ good books is not enough to help you progress. Networking internally and building healthy connections with people from different levels of work are equally vital. Knowing and being known will open doors that you will never be able do on your own. While you don’t have to please each and every one, having a charming personality and a smashing attitude will ensure that people will enjoy working with you. So when you and another colleague are both being considered for a promotion, the others will definitely root for you.
Always be ready to go an extra mile
A sure shot way of getting noticed at work is to always do more and do better than what your job role entails. You could do this by volunteering for new projects, taking extra courses related to your job or helping out your co-worker. This shows that you are willing to learn and work hard to succeed in the company. But this also doesn’t mean that you have to be all over your colleagues and boss to please them. An adept employee will know when to make a move that will maximise their position at the workplace. Knowing your core responsibilities will help you master this skill.
Love your job
Last, but not the least, love what you are doing! This is the most fundamental aspect to doing well at any job. Only if you feel passionate about your job will you feel like putting in a hundred percent of your efforts, and hence, get better at it with each passing day. Career growth comes with passion and ambition; if you hate your job, you will have neither. Dissatisfaction at work can lead to poor results, which means promotion is naturally out of the question.
While promotions are not necessarily based on your past performance, you can always make amendments and create a better case for yourself by showing your recent achievements. Those who give results get ahead.