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4 signs you are slacking off at work and how to fix them

4 signs you are slacking off at work and how to fix them

Saturday November 05, 2016 , 4 min Read

Missed more than two deadlines in a short span of time? Not attending meetings or showing much interest in key discussions? This could be a sign that you have stopped caring about your job. Nobody likes to be called an underperformer or to be seen as unreliable. We all want to work hard and achieve career goals, to make a difference in the overall growth of an organisation and be known for our achievements. But then there comes a point when we simply begin to lose interest in the job. While the possible reasons for this are several, the end result is always the same - YOU stop being PRODUCTIVE at work. Period!


Image : shutterstock

Here are four signs that point to you needing to either pull your socks up or start looking for another opportunity that can match your career expectations:

Missing Deadlines

While work today is ever so demanding, missing deadlines more than usual is a clear sign that you’re slacking off. Most of the successful people in the world are workaholics, and they spend less time making excuses and more time in getting the job done. Even if you don’t see yourself in that category, there are always certain targets and responsibility areas that you need to work upon to justify your presence in the organisation. If you have already started making excuses for your lag, it probably means that you aren’t working hard enough, but don’t want to admit it.

How to fix it: Hear yourself making an excuse for not being able to meet a deadline? Stop, reflect and change your attitude. Take full responsibility for the failure, speak to your immediate boss and proactively propose a plan of action.

Role and Responsibilities

Another good metric is the extent of responsibility handed to you at work. If your seniors are not assigning you important projects or not paying heed to your propositions, there’s a good chance you’ve underperformed in the past, or,even worse,are still not meeting expected performance levels.

How to fix it: Your bosses will only assign you important projects if they think that they can count on you. Even if they think otherwise at the moment, you need to make efforts to show them that you are capable enough to handle projects of any category and size. Spend some time in improving your performance at the office, and don't be afraid to go the extra mile to get the work done. Those extra miles will add brownie points to your kitty.

You’re in your comfort zone

If you are at a job that hardly pushes you out of your comfort zone, it might again be a sign of slacking off and being content with what you have rather than learning new skills. If you can’t articulate your goals and don’t know where you’re headed, it is a clear sign of underperformance.

How to fix it: Fix it by being proactive in your approach. Come up with ideas and suggestions that can prove beneficial for the organisation, Even if the management doesn’t have the resources or manpower to execute your ideas, or just doesn’t agree with them, they will always appreciate your enthusiasm and keep you in consideration when planning new strategies.

Cell phone is your work buddy

Think back on the last few days. If you find yourself texting, chatting and browsing on your phone, chances are that you are underperforming. Surely, mobile phones and gadgets have become a way of life, but it is very important to prioritise your actions if you want to deliver efficiently.

How to fix it: The only way to become more efficient is to lock your phone in your drawer while you are working. Resist the temptation to check notifications at any point of time during your crucial work hours. Because we all know that the second you allow distraction to get a foot in the door, getting work done takes a backseat.

Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is never easy, but if you look back on your life, you will realise that almost everything you are truly proud of was a terrifying prospect to begin with. The answer is simple - change your environment or change your attitude. Maybe stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t a bad idea at all. After all, there is a reason Steve Jobs told us to “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”