Why is it so important to make a mark in your first job?
From settling into a disciplined routine, achieving monthly targets, and getting to bed early at night - you go through a whole lot of transformation and face a lot of challenges in your first job.
Even after going through all the sufferings and discomfort, you may not love your first, but still you need to perform well and make a mark for yourself. It's during that period you will exposed to many first-time challenges and, at the same time, you will have to push limits and keep your head high. Here are some of the reasons that will help you see the bigger picture and inspire to perform well in your first job.

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Transformation from a student mindset to a professional mindset
It's the first job that will transform you into a professional who understands the value of 'using a relevant subject line in office emails' and reaching to your workplace on time. In college, you took the first lecture in the morning for the sake of attendance, but now at the workplace, you'll show up at sharp 10am every day to participate in morning meetings (no matter how ineffective they are). The pace of transformation may seem to be very slow, but your first job injects your mindset with professionalism, which will play a significant role in your future career growth.
Understanding the value of money
During college days, no matter how difficult it was for your parents, they would transfer a fixed amount into your bank account every month. Let's agree - Life was a bliss. But that phase has passed. It's time to live life the hard way.
Now, you'll be forced to survive, pay your rent, and bear travel expenses from your own earnings. You will also learn that the money can be invested in systematic investment plan (SIPs).
Facing criticism and surviving tough days
You'll make mistakes in your first job ‑ not once or twice, but many times and more often than not, your boss will criticise you without realising that you're just a fresher and have no past experience. That's how work life is! But even after all the criticisms, you'll try to climb the ropes hard and fast and steer through tough times with strength and dignity. You'll learn to survive the tough days and cherish the good ones.
Often, the first job is toughest of all. You'll face challenges, work politics, insecurity and fear of losing the job, but still the way you fight all the adversities and make a mark for yourself will prepare you for bigger challenges and determine the heights you'll achieve in the future.
How was your experience at the first out-of-college job? How did you come over the challenges thrown at you? Share your feedback with us and guide others who're preparing to take their first jobs in the near future.