How to negotiate for the best salary at a new job
Hiring managers generally don’t disclose their best offer. So how do you ensure that you have the best paycheque in the market? It is up to you to receive the job offer and the money you think you rightly deserve. Whether it’s your first job or your eighth, it’s good to know how to negotiate and prepare yourself well in advance. And here’s how to do that:

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Pay attention to the future
The recruiter will naturally enquire about your current salary. If you feel you aren’t being paid well and do not earn much, never lie about your salary. Give them the correct numbers and then go on to explain why you think you deserve a better pay. Speak about your skills and how you are the right fit for the role.
Request for a face-to-face meeting
If you are asked about salary negotiations over the phone, request for a face-to-face meeting. It shows you are really serious about what you have in mind. It also gives you the opportunity of reviewing the hiring manager and seeing their reaction first-hand.
Stick to what you commit
In case you feel the recruiter is pushing it too far and isn’t going anywhere close to looking after your demands and requests, then you must be prepared to leave. Sticking to your commitments is necessary to ensure you aren’t taken for a ride later. It also shows how focussed and determined a person you are.
Be prepared for questions
All the questions that you will be asked won’t necessarily be the ones you are expecting to face. In such a situation you need to keep in mind that certain questions are likely to make you feel uncomfortable. But come what may answer honestly and clearly. You should aim to come across as a fit candidate with the right integrity.
Ask questions
If you feel the recruiter isn’t convinced about what you have put across, ask questions as to why he or she feels so. Also ask what they are currently looking at and the skills involved for the position.
Conduct a research on your value
If you haven’t researched well on how you stand in the market, the recruiter is likely to easily counter-question you. Do some research online and speak to people in a similar field. This will keep you better equipped.
Explain what you can bring to the table
Talk about what makes you stand out and offer proof of it. If you substantiate your worth with documentation and what you have done successfully in your previous job, you will come across as a credible and noteworthy person.
Be confident
This is one of the main factors to keep in mind from the beginning. If you know your worth and have the proof to show for it, then why worry? Talk and present yourself with confidence – always.
What you negotiate for and how you do it does influence how much you earn. In addition to that, it also determines how your future employer rates your skill for negotiations.