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8 things you should give up if you want to be successful

8 things you should give up if you want to be successful

Friday March 17, 2017 , 3 min Read

Successful people don't make excuses. They get work done and don't let petty circumstances come in the way of achieving their goals. When most people think of success, their mind wanders to the healthy habits and characteristics they need to incorporate in their life. However, sometimes you need to step back and evaluate the things you can give up on if you want to take one more step towards being successful. While you will be able to implement some of these things almost immediately, a few others will take much longer. We've compiled a list of things you should give up on if you want to be successful.

Image : shutterstock

Image : shutterstock

Stop making excuses

We all have days when we are down in the dumps and unable to get out of bed. It is during these times that your desire for success will come to test. Summon the energy and willpower to get things done even when you don't want to.

Stop being late

In the corporate world, being on time is also considered as arriving late. Try to check in your office or reach meetings 10 minutes before the scheduled time to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Don't hit snooze

Setting an alarm is like promising yourself a certain commitment for the next day. However, when you keep hitting the snooze button repeatedly, you're not only breaking that promise, but also starting the day on a low morale.

Not concentrating on eating

Your body and mind need fuel to function. Avoiding meals will leave you irritable and will lead you to indulge in other unhealthy habits to compensate for starving yourself.

Don't multitask

Contrary to what people believe, your brain cannot focus on too many activities at once. Multitasking splits your focus and you end up doing yourself a disservice as you can't commit your full energy and commitment to even a single activity.

Don't let your handheld control you

Nothing serves as a bigger distraction as your cell phone does. You don't need to check your WhatsApp for messages or keep refreshing your Facebook feed every 10 minutes. Try to keep your mobile's use to a minimum at least during work hours.

Refusing to take accountability

No one is perfect. We all make mistakes at some point in our career. However, shoving the blame for your mistake on somebody else is not only unethical, but it will also prevent you from accepting and learning from your mistakes.

Don't look at others for validation

If you make your career choices depending on what others think, you are bound to fail. Every successful individual will attest to the fact that success brings its own share of disapproval and criticism. You just have to make the choices that are right for you and stick to them.

In addition to the above list, take a step back and evaluate the things that are slowing you down in life. When you identify what those things are, make a conscious effort to cut them loose.

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