Making your content as tasty as pie
From pin to piano, every possible product and brand has jumped on to the content bandwagon. From running blogs to social media marketing, there is no dearth of content for readers to consume in today's time. In such a scenario, it is very easy for your content to not get the visibility it deserves. So what do you do to ensure that your content not only gets the appreciation it warrants, but also has the desired effect on your consumer? We've compiled a few tips to help you make your content stand out amidst the crowd.

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Be original
Anyone can take the content that already exists on the web, rephrase it, and market it as their own. If your content is not original, readers will recognise it for what it is and blacklist your website. On the other hand, when you write authentic content with new ideas, you will make a name for yourself in the content arena and your readers will keep coming back for more. Not only is plagiarism unethical, but it also robs you of the chance to give your brand a unique voice.
Put important information first
Always put the most relevant information in the beginning. For example, if you are writing an article on how to avoid pimples, don't start with what pimples are and what causes them. While it is important to cover those aspects as well, it is likely that your readers will lose interest by the time they reach the important part of the article. If this happens, your article won't serve its purpose. Therefore, start by putting all your main information in pointers in the beginning and then continue to elaborate on those points throughout the article.
Create captivating headlines
Your headline is the most important part of your article as it ignites your reader's interest and makes them want to read further. Only if your reader is able to relate to the headline will he click on it to see what's inside the article. You don't need to write an entire sentence to arouse the interest of the reader. You can keep it short like ‘The Age of Brilliance’ and still get readers to read further. While writing a headline, always keep two to three options on standby to allow your editor to select the one that best describes the article.
Write intriguing content
It is important to write engaging content if you want to encourage your readers to visit your website again. One way to do this is to leave your readers with something to think about at the end of your article. This will give them something to reflect on. Another way is to write promising introductions and tell your readers what you'll be discussing in the blog post. These tactics will ensure that your content is thought-provoking and worth your reader's time.
Writing great content is no piece of cake but it becomes easier when you're writing something you're passionate about. Try to keep your content as timeless as possible so that it is relevant to even those readers who read it three years down the line.