Hijabi: How this rap song for Muslim women's right to wear hijab is going viral
To wear the hijab or not to wear it is one long-standing debate in the feminist discourse revolving around Muslim women. Most people see the hijab as a symbol of Muslim women's oppression and insist on them not wearing it as a revolt against patriarchy.
“What that hair look like
Bet that hair look nice
Don’t that make you sweat?
Don’t that feel too tight?”
Mona Hydar, a poet and environmentalist, is here to claim her right to the hijab through a rap song.

Mona doesn’t just talk, or in this case, sing for herself. She intends for the song to belong to and represent women all over the world irrespective of differences, according to The News Minute. What makes the song even more significant is that Mona herself is eight months pregnant in the video.
Of course, fascists were shocked and taken aback that a Muslim woman could come out like that, and a pregnant woman at that. While talking to the BBC about the response she has received, she asked,
"Why is it so shocking for a pregnant woman to continue living her own life while growing a new life inside her? As a woman who believes that all bodies are good and beautiful, it brings me joy to dismantle the societal structures which try to dictate to women what our bodies should look like. "
Though there was criticism, a lot of women said they felt motivated seeing the song as they felt it was empowering them. The song, which was released as part of Muslim Women's Day, has gone viral and considered an anthem for Muslim women.
Mona is a Syrian-American Muslim poet and activist who started gaining notice when she started the #AskAMuslim campaign in the US through which she started a debate with her community. The song was directed and produced by Tunde Olaniran.
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