A new development story is being created in the dense forests of Village Sukhidabri
This article is part of The Chhattisgarh Story series.
35 kms from District headquarters of Gariaband, situated in the dense forests, the tribal village of Sukhi Dabri is nowadays in the headlines, the reason is the new development model designed by some Government organizations.

This tribal village of Gram Panchayat "Kopekasa" gives shelter to 115 people of Bhujia community. You will be surprised to know that, these people still follow the year-old lifestyle and rely on limited available resources to support their livelihood. To implement this model Village Sukhidabri was chosen keeping in mind the abundance of natural resources like water, forest, and land. In spite of being equipped with good natural resources, this place remains untouched by any kind of development.
Keeping in mind the Prosperity and growth of sukhidabri village people, the chief executive officer of district Panchayat Mr. Vineet Nandanvaar did a tour of the area to assess the need of development. Then a development model named "Hamar Aajiwika Hamar Jungle" was formed in coordination with local villagers and department officers. Once the model was formed small initiative were taken in form of making new ponds, well, installing a tube well in the farms. Apart from this steps taken to increase agricultural yields by using advanced seeds and resources. Plantation of grapes, banana, mango, and Papaya is also in progress. If we speak to the villagers, they are very happy and hopeful with this model. Earlier there was poor yield, now with new resources village is expecting a good quantity. Fisheries and animal husbandry are also the part of this development model. The village is ready to write a new story of development with the availability of basic amenities of Road, Electricity and drinking water. There was earlier no connecting road or electricity, even people used to walk up to 3 km's for fetching drinking water. With the improvement in the basic infrastructure, land reform project is stepping ahead at a fast pace.
Under the guidance of Mr. Shyam Dhawde (Collector), district Panchayat team and people of the village, a development model has been designed. Different social reform Schemes related to the betterment of facilities for irrigation, drinking water, and rainwater harvesting were implemented.
Taking about the accomplishments, already 10 personal are debris made for irrigation and water harvesting. A new pond has been dug, which is connected to the nearest mountain with 1200 meter long canal and this canal is intended to transport rainwater to the pond. Land reform and leveling have also been done on 70 Acres land allotted on lease to 30 villagers.
Villagers are grateful to the government on initiating development model, this will give a good boost in agricultural output, which in turn will lead to prosperity and happiness in the village.