‘Challenges give opportunities’ – 15 quotes of the week on leaders and entrepreneurs
From setbacks to success, witness the memorable journey of entrepreneurs and leaders in these quotes, excerpts, and stories.
Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). Share these 20 gems and insights from the week of July 18-24 with your colleagues and networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.
See also our pick of Top Quotes of 2021 on Entrepreneurship, Investment, Digital Transformation, Storytelling, The India Opportunity, Pandemic Resilience, Failure Recovery, Design, and Art.

If you understand the DNA and culture of your organisation, your effectiveness as a leader increases. - Uma Krishnan, Barclays Global Service Centre India
A hybrid work model enables organisations to tap previously untapped talent pools based on the remote-ability of the roles. - Yogita Tulsiani, iXceed Solutions
It is not just about the low pricing or saving time, but also about being friendly to the environment. - Rouble Gupta, 80Wash
New-age entrepreneurs and founders running food startups are extremely innovative and passionate about what they do. - Harak Soni, Navalprabha Foods
People buy candies on impulse; no one steps out of the house only for buying candies. - Kanu Priya Sharma, House of Candy
Electric mobility is a high growth sector which is R&D intensive. - Bhavish Aggarwal, Ola Electric

Every woman must know that no one can stop them from achieving their dreams. They just have to step up and be confident. - Sheetal Kapoor, Shree
Talent has nothing to do with gender. If you are talented, have a clear vision, and are fearless in your approach, then nothing can stop you from being successful. - Aayushi Kishore, Fire-Boltt
Work-life imbalance is the tip of the iceberg called gender inequality. A good time to start changing this was yesterday. Today will do as well. - Debasmita Sinha, Manah Wellness
While companies have put in place a comprehensive framework to encourage women to hold key positions, the figures show that there is a wide gap between the idealised criteria and reality. - Ravindra Kumar, Tata Motors

Do something that you really love or have skill sets in, and most importantly, get a co-founder with complementary skills, because that is life-changing. - Tejal Bajla, All Things Baby
At a broad level, there are only three basic value propositions. The product or service can be cheaper, better, or faster. - Vidur Vyas, NorthSide
Nothing changes about building a business–whether it’s in the startup world, or it’s new-age or old-age. - Sandeep Barasia, Delhivery
[It is about] never believing anyone who says that something is not possible. You can find a way and make anything happen. You just have to want it enough. - Mira Kulkarni, Forest Essentials
Challenges give opportunities. - Jeyalakshmi Venkatanarayanan, Universe Power Systems
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).
Edited by Megha Reddy