Elon Musk’s hiring hack: The 2-hand test explained
Take notes from Elon Musk's unique hiring approach to attract top talent!
Elon Musk has co-founded 6 companies which include the car maker Tesla and rocket producer SpaceX. But have you ever wondered how this billionaire attracts and retains top talent with thousands of applicants knocking at their door? How do they screen the candidates? Is it skills or degrees?
While many big tech giants do not require job applicants to have university credentials to work in their team, it remains necessary in most companies. However, Musk is known to be the biggest advocate of skills and once said 'Don't confuse schooling with education. I didn't go to Harvard but the people that work for me did.'
While firms in general still hire talent based on degrees, Musk's unique hiring strategy called the 2-hand test can be used to find the right candidate. This technique, employed by SpaceX and Tesla, is the secret ingredient behind their successful hiring process so keep reading to find out!
Elon Musk's hiring hack: The epic 2-hand test

1. First-hand experience: Skills get priority
Experience versus education is always a topic of debate. Elon Musk's hiring strategy values skills over traditional education, which is an interesting approach. While college graduates do gain important soft skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and teamwork, these skills are not only obtained in the classroom but can also be acquired through work experience.
For example, a business college graduate may have the necessary skills to work in an administrative role, but a candidate with practical experience in that role will likely succeed with minimal training. This is an effective way to assess job applicants.
Companies can evaluate job applicants based on their experience and how they fit the role. However, this doesn't mean that freshers and graduates are excluded from joining Musk's team. If they have the necessary abilities for a role, they are openly welcomed at the firm.
2. Hands-on expertise testing: Knowledge is put to the test
Elon Musk is famous for his out-of-the-box approach to business. When it comes to hiring, it is no different. To evaluate job applicants, it's crucial to assess their true grasp of the topic at hand. If a candidate simply memorises concepts or information (like a parrot) without really understanding it, they might need extensive training.
It is important to note that entry-level roles often provide training and guidance to help employees navigate their work but as we go higher in position, practical knowledge wins the race. Hence, while screening potential candidates their capabilities need to be examined.
So, the best way to gauge an applicant's ability to perform job-related tasks is by conducting assessments or tests. Tailoring the test to mirror the expected job duties is an effective way to spot exceptional talent from a large pool of candidates. This hiring practice is embraced by leading tech companies like Tesla and SpaceX.
The bottom line
Elon Musk has built many startups and businesses that thrive in their respective industries. This of course means he has a robust team to lead the firm. So, companies can use Elon's 2-hand hiring method as a quick way to assess job applicants and attract top talent to the team.