Ankur Gattani
Ankur Gattani, VP, Growth and Marketing.
Ankur has over 13 years of experience including as a customer, mentor and advisor to WebEngage in his previous roles.
Ankur is an IITB / IIM Cal graduate who will be taking charge of the entire growth marketing function at WebEngage to sharpen WebEngage’s positioning as a thought leader in retention marketing and a champion of building enduring businesses. Ankur’s stint at Foodpanda Global to drive CRM efforts led to the transformation of 1 message-per-country regimen to a 1:1 personalized messages on multiple channels across 45 Countries, 20+ timezones and Languages. The speed of roll-out earned his team accolades and a speaker invite from Salesforce to share the story at Dreamforce - a flagship event by Salesforce.
Ankur has dabbled in ideas in eCommerce and created a consumer FMCG brand as well, is a big believer in driving stories and analogies to help customers understand the brand proposition better. The ecosystem will need 100s of more retention professionals as founders mature to think beyond acquisition driven growth and he’s gearing WebEngage up to drive the entire education and community play forward.