Rupamanjari Ghosh
Professor Rupamanjari Ghosh is a researcher, teacher, orator and an academic administrator par excellence. Professor Ghosh has B.Sc.(Physics honors) and M.Sc.(Physics) degrees from the University of Calcutta, and a very well-recognized Ph.D. from the University of Rochester, NY, where she worked as a Rush Rhees Fellow, chosen for "outstanding scholarly ability and the promise of exceptional contributions to scholarship and teaching." Her research interests are in Experimental and Theoretical Quantum Optics, Laser Physics, Nonlinear Optics, and Quantum Information. She joined the Shiv Nadar University in 2012 as the Founding Director of the School of Natural Sciences, with a glowing reference from a Nobel Laureate. She also took charge as the Dean of Research & Graduate Studies, the Head of the Faculty Development Center, and more recently, as the Director of the School of Engineering. She has taken over as the Vice-Chancellor of Shiv Nadar University from 1 February 2016.