10 compelling reasons why WordPress is the best choice for your website

A businessman or a blogger, having a website in this hi-tech world has become a necessity more than just a wish. Even if you don’t find the time or have enough money to make your own website an alternative and a better solution is always on its way. WordPress is one such solution which will help you in making and hosting amazing sites for your business ventures or even if you are a blogger it will give you the freedom to design your website for your blog.
Pondering on how WordPress is the solution? WordPress development services are so contributive for building a website that once if you opt for them you won’t surely regret.
Here we have listed out 10 compelling reasons why WordPress is the best choice for your website:
1. WordPress has easy maintenance
WordPress development company ensures that even the beginner can handle WordPress without any compulsion in having prior knowledge of HTML or any computer coding. After installing you can create a stack of web pages in a very efficient manner. It’s just signup and a few steps to be followed after which you can even host your website after buying the proper domain and make your site operative.
2. WordPress has a wide range of themes
According to your needs and demand, WordPress offers you a number of themes for your website. Now no need to hire any professional designer as WordPress got it all for you without having you to spend more expenditures. These highly -customizable themes are available for free to you and the rest at affordable prices.
3. WordPress is Open-Source
WordPress is free to download from its official website and hold unlimited validity. No more fear in hosting or maintaining your site as you are the sole leader of your website. You can host your website as per your wish under any company name. There are no commercial restrictions or limitation in hosting your website.
For being an open-source WordPress holds an edge over various other website building tools.
4. WordPress is Safe and Secured
With hackers always trying to find ways for their mischievous it becomes important to ensure the security of your website and WordPress is designed for it all. WordPress is a secure platform.
Regular updates aid you in enhancing your safety against hackers. Some informative points to be kept in mind like regular updating WordPress for the recent version and using Wordpress.org only for downloading plugins can help you protect yourself from intruders.
5. WordPress is 99% SEO friendly
Search engines like Google or many others show results on certain factors. The higher the factor your website fills higher chances are there for it to be ranked above in search engine’s result.
Various SEO plugins help you in making your site SEO friendly which is among the vital reasons why WordPress has become the number one choice for many.
6. WordPress in mobile and tablets
There are a certain number of users who use their smartphones to surf the web. WordPress development services take in charge that in such a trending era of smartphones and tablets your website doesn’t lag back because of the failure of it not being irresponsive or if the user-interface is lagging behind.
WordPress designs a website that is compatible for running on either phone, tablets or computers.
7. Robust and helpful Community of Wordpress
The WordPress development agency has a community comprising of several users and developers. There is a support forum which is a bunch of numerous queries and a wide range of solutions for troubleshooting your problems. Search your query for an already answered solution or post your query and get attested solutions for the same. Excluding the official forum, you can find distinctive other forums which can help your queries to find solutions.
8. WordPress can handle different type of multimedia
WYSIWYG is a very rich text editor that WordPress makes use of. Through this, it becomes easier for you to insert multimedia such as images or videos into your site. You can also add audio with just a click. Not only it allows easy upload of the multimedia but also it gives you the freedom to edit them. You can also add YouTube video or Instagram handle by just pasting their URL in the post editor.
9. WordPress supports any type of website
Be it an e-commerce website or a membership website, WordPress gives you the flexibility to design any kind of website. For an e-commerce website, WordPress has e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce and for membership websites as well as e-commerce, WordPress has got appropriate themes. It also allows you to add multiple users with an administrator, contributor, etc as subcategories to it.
10. WordPress has become popular and matured
For over a decade WordPress has been through a lot of changes, tests and has turned itself to be among the leading website tools. WordPress progresses and upgrades with every latest version of itself. You will have a community of people having a WordPress account wherein you can connect to different people around and share informative and creative views with others and also explore through their websites. Many times there are clients who might approach you with a wish to convert their website to an app, at that time you might find difficulty but WordPress app development can be achieved by various plugins like AppPresser or MobiLoud. AppBuilders can also give you a hand for WordPress mobile app development.
With the enhancement in the growth of umpteen approach to ease the workload of human by minimizing the hard work required to accomplish a task, WordPress has been progressing year by year and shelling out favourable outcomes. These reasons are enough to prove why WordPress is the best for your new website. There is no use of just talking. Go ahead and give a chance by implementing and putting to test WordPress for designing your website and then only you will understand why WordPress is getting exponentially popular.