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Business owners: How to use modern technology to improve your company security

Business owners: How to use modern technology to improve your company security

Wednesday July 18, 2018 , 3 min Read


Technology has come of age, and the one area where it is making a huge difference is in security-related applications. Business owners no longer have to hire an entire staff of security guards and IT professionals to accomplish what can be done with very affordable tech that does much the same as a team of people. Sure, there will always be companies that rely on human eyes and ears for their security needs, but your business does not have to be stuck in that old security model.


The great thing about living in the computer age is that you can hook sensors up to check for just about anything. From motion to the use of chemicals, sensors can alert you to what is going on inside your business by updating information straight to your computer or smartphone. This gives you the ability to track and monitor a situation precisely how you have set up the sensors to feed you data. This is especially critical if you have areas of your business where no one but you are someone authorized should be.

High-tech Commercial Doors

Today’s modern businesses can have elaborate commercial doors designed to keep intruders out while preserving company assets and employee safety. These doors can be fitted with encryption coded locks and other advanced security measures. It is sometimes needful to employ the technical services of a company trained in commercial-doors methods—especially after an attempt has been made to breech a company’s security perimeter and damage has been done.

Protecting Digital Property

Another area where tech is being used to improve your business’s security is in the area of securing your digital property. This could extend to cover anything from the information on your company’s VPN to camera systems that monitor employees to ensure that the hacking efforts on your system are not an inside job. Plus, data encryption algorithms are used to obscure data to make it difficult for hackers to use even the data they do manage to steal from your company. Authorization protocols create yet another wall of protection to keep prying eyes off of your company’s sensitive information.

In order to protect your business in such a highly technical age, it is best to employ the latest in security tech to maintain a top-notch security perimeter. From cameras to apps, every inch of your business can be monitored on a constant basis. Often these measures are so affordable, it is amazing to learn that companies do not do more to protect their assets and employees from criminal activities.