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A Startup to provide hassle free solution for your two-wheeler service.

A Startup to provide hassle free solution for your two-wheeler service.

Monday July 11, 2016 , 2 min Read

Many bikers and new comers to the city face a major problem of finding the right two wheeler mechanic for their bikes , and they also lose out their day's schedule to get their bike serviced in the right place.

So if any of you are relating themselves to the hassles mentioned above , then you are reading the right article and you will have your answers for the same.

To overcome these hassles we have created , a online bike service booking portal, your favourite maggi may not be ready with in two minutes but we keep the promise , you can book your bike servicing slot with your preferred bike service station on your convenient timings with pick and drop at your location with in less than 2 minutes.

Choose from any of our partnered service centres , click , book and relax , we will take care of the rest !

We assure complete safety to your bikes , and make sure your bike is in top notch condition , so all the folks in the IT corridor don't worry that you are gonna skip your morning stand ups , just book your slot with us we will get your bike serviced and deliver it at your office so that you can have peaceful time at your workspace.

Hope , your hassles are solved with regards to getting your bike serviced !

Good luck folks !!
