Positive Effect to middle class family of the 500Rs and 1000Rs note ban
1. Wife will spend Less Money
House wife will not spend more money, kitty party will be cancelled, panipuri expanse will be controlled. Fear of long queue will stop house wife from doing all these stuff.
2. Un Authorized Wine will be out of the market
Local un authorized wine shop will always need big money to run. While big need cash for purchase if india will not purchase wine for next 50 days only then money saving in Indian family will be big.
Unauthorized sellers are selling third class wine which cause even death sometime. No cash Bribe no Satta
3. No Satta On cricket
Latest info says that only 50 Crore satta was played on Rajkot Cricket match. These types of the activity are illegal. Government is not getting any tax Income. Lots of middleclass peoples are losing money in this type of activity. This saved money will be part of economy.
4. No Drug no worry
Illegal, Drug Market is of thousands of crore rupees, it need cash only . so this will be stopped for most of the days and lots of saving for the common man . while life of the common people will be out of danger.
Might be Without drug few young generation will face reaction so their family will come to know about the same which will be very usefull to their family .
5. Rate cut in new house
No black to pay to builder from middle class person so lots of building will remain unsold and simultaneously new plan will be launched then at least 20 to 30% value will be reduced. This will help middle class people.