8 reasons why an animated video is a ‘must’ for your business
Do you remember how much beloved animated characters were for us when we were kids? Such is the charm of animated videos.
Do you remember how much beloved animated characters were for us when we were kids? Such is the charm of animated videos. It doesn’t matter whether you are in your worst mood, animated videos can surely lighten you up. From movies to products, animation has been helping everyone. Wondering how animation helps your business? Have a look at the listed below points:
Yes, we all do! Whether you are a kid or an adult, animation has been dear to us since ages. While watching the animation, we do not have to put in extra effort to concentrate on the content. The vibrant images in the animated videos are itself enough to grab the attention of a large audience. Many corporate firms take the help of business animated videos to introduce their product or service and that alone does all the trick. So what are your waiting for?
Suppose you are launching a product and for that, you have launched a video which explains only the technicalities. Do you think that video would be a good marketing tool? It might work if you are only targeting a specific audience. But in case your target group is a larger audience than a technical video with zero fun can land you into trouble. Invest in a good animation video production company and your marketing stage is almost done!
The images, storyboard and the voice over used in the animated videos by the corporate companies are so appealing to the audience’s emotions that they can easily relate to their situation. Short animated videos with its persuasive element can persuade the client to take an action in your favor instantly. Isn’t this just awesome!
Do you know why the mythological stories are produced in animated form? One, because animation appeals to all. Two because of its ability to simplify complex issues. The lively images with lots of contrasting colors in the animated videos can simplify the complex mythological tales. Use of easy language is one of the specialties of animated videos. Take advantage of it to illustrate the complexity of your product/service and viola your work is done!
Metaphors can bring abstract ideas into life. It can be a good news for your product/service if you are good at using metaphors to explain your product. Your client is much likely to connect themselves to your product/service on the proper use of metaphor. It can help clarify the objective and workflow of your product/service. Advertise your product/service creatively through the use of simple metaphor. Need I say anything more?
According to a proven fact, people remember what they see for a longer period than what they read. This can be an added benefit for corporate companies. Your product/service is bound to receive more attention if you launch it with short animated videos.
Don’t you want to be listed as one of the top search engine results? Well, animated video can make your dream come true. People always prefer to watch short videos rather than reading long articles. Videos convey a lot more within few words than long articles. A video plus an animated one? It is just a surplus to your business. Also because videos are more likely to get viral than the articles, therefore it will get more exposure and indeed more clients.
More views of your video mean increasing conversion rate. Psychology says people remember what they see than what they read. Plus the vibrant colors used in the animated videos compel the client to think about the service you are offering. Short animated videos of 1-2 mins will speak for itself. With more people viewing your video, the conversion rate will increase. Corporate companies have been lately using short animated video for their product/service and it has proved to be one of the best marketing tools.
I am sure by the time you are clear on the benefits of using an animated video. It will give an edge to your product. It saves your time explaining the complexities. Also, saves the client from a not so impressive technical video. The clients go happily having understood each detail. Also, you too would be contented with your product’s explanation. Isn’t this just enough to invest in a good animation video production company?