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Should business owners create android apps for chromebooks?

Laptops with basic hardware and Google Chrome OS have been gaining popularity slowly and steadily. The Business owners should start thinking about creating apps for the Chromebooks to reach their target customers.

Monday September 19, 2016 , 4 min Read

In May 2016, Google announced the release of the Play Store for Android on the lightweight Chrome OS that powers the Chromebook. This means now the Chromebook users will be able to download and use android apps on their laptops. Hitherto only applications designed for Chrome OS could be used on the Chromebook. However, with this development, individuals and businesses alike are going to experience a huge shift in the way they work. Already, Chrome OS is being touted as the best OS for schools and businesses. Android apps are the icing on the cake. Now, the Chrome OS will become a universally used operating system and Chromebook, the most widely used machine.

Ten reasons Why Google Chromebook is Advantageous for Businesses

The two-bestselling contemporary laptops on Amazon are

 Acer C720 Chromebook

 ASUS 10.1 Inch Chromebook

In fact, six of the ten best-selling laptops in the market today are Chromebooks. And with the Android apps upgrade these Google notebooks are sure going to be a game changer for enterprises. Here are reasons why we are betting on them -

Cost Effective

The Chromebook offers an outstanding ROI. Also, as the year progresses, its constant usage will not render it ineffective. Apart from the Pixel, no other laptop can match the price point of Chromebook.

Seamless integration with Google apps

As more businesses migrate to Google apps, the demand for devices compatible with Google apps will increase. This is where Chromebook will appear. No other platform can integrate with Google apps the way the Chromebook can.


No other machine offers you as much speed as the Chromebook for the price at which it sells. A boot time between four to ten seconds, enables you to quickly accomplish multiple tasks on the Chromebook.


The Chromebook, being a very efficient machine, will let you surf the internet just like any other machine. It will also allow you to work on the full-screen mode most of the times, thus enabling you to focus on the task. Moreover, it is a very user-friendly machine.


Chrome OS is based on the Linux platform which lends it a great deal of reliability. Moreover, there is no threat of malware and virus infections. In addition, it requires hardly any user training.

Browser-based work

With more and more businesses shifting to working on web browsers, the need for machines like the Chromebook is distinctly felt.

Apps and add-ons

The Chromebook has an ever-expanding app store. This store houses a number of business-friendly apps. With time to come, the apps on this store will increase, thus making it more useful.

Cloud friendliness

Businesses are increasingly using cloud storage for saving memory space. The Chromebook is an ideal cloud-centric machine. What is more, even offline, it works very well.

Outstanding hardware

When you compare the Chromebook with the MacBook Pro, the former will win hands down. Getting quality hardware at such low costs is good for businesses.


The Pixel is the Aston Martin of all laptops. In other words, if you are looking for hardware to impress your clients, the Pixel is what you should buy. This is available only on the Chromebook.

Why Businesses Should Invest in Developing Android Apps for Chromebook

Starting June 2016, the distinctions between Chrome and Android apps have significantly blurred. Chromebooks have become more powerful after getting access to the catalogue of android apps. IT administrators will now have extra power in their hands as in they will be able to manage android apps from their Chrome admin consoles. All the major android apps will be synchronized to run on the Chrome OS. This is because the Chrome OS will run in a Linux environment, which means users will not have to change their existing apps.

Now that Google Play, the world’s largest app store, will be available on all Chromebooks, users can easily run Skye, Microsoft Word and such other apps on their web browsers. All this will increase the usage of the Chromebook in contemporary businesses. With the Chromebook, the use of Google OS will also increase, fueling the need for special android apps.


The features of Android apps and Google OS will combine to give tremendous benefits for businesses whether big or small. Android on Chrome OS will have wide ramifications. And with more than 7.3 billion already using the notebook, established businesses and startups should duly consider creating android apps for the same.