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Current estimates show that there are nearly 1 million Amazon AWS active enterprise customers. These services are also used by business owners in over 190 countries around the world.
In order to ensure everything on your AWS cloud runs smoothly, you will need a comprehensive monitoring solution. CloudWatch is a monitoring solution offered by Amazon to help their customers avoid issues with their programs.
When in need of help with integration for AWS CloudWatch, working with seasoned professionals is a must. These professionals will be able to set up your CloudWatch monitoring and teach you how to use this unique program. The following are just some of the reasons why using this program is a great idea.
Why is monitoring so important?
One of the first things most people want to know about CloudWatch monitoring is why it is important. With this cloud-based monitoring system, you will be able to see whether or not your apps and programs are online. If they are not, you can quickly figure out why and get them back in good working order in a hurry. You might also want to check some relevant resources like application performance monitoring, learn more here.
This monitoring program will also help you keep your app secure. By putting a priority on your app’s security, you can keep the sensitive information customers give you safe and out of the hands of cyber-criminals.
Not only will the CloudWatch program keep an eye on the overall health of your app, it can give you information regarding what it is costing you to keep this program running. As the CloudWatch system gets to know your app better, it will offer up recommendations on how to make it more efficient and reliable.
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Easily Monitor Amazon EC2
If you are offering your hardware or software programs on demand, then using the Amazon EC2 is essential. When using this program, you can choose to use either the basic or detailed monitoring.
The basic monitoring provides you with seven metrics. Each of these metrics is updated every five minutes free of charge.
The detailed monitoring does cost you more money, but it also provides information about your apps and programs. This system features the same number of metrics. The difference between the basic and detailed monitoring is that the results of the detailed monitoring are updated every minute rather than every five.
Having this up to date information will allow you to see how well your app is performing for consumers.
Custom Metrics Monitoring
For most app and software developers, being able to customize monitoring solutions is a priority. Luckily, the Amazon CloudWatch system provides you with the ability to create and monitor custom metrics.
Whether you are trying to see how many people are downloading your app or how fast it is performing, CloudWatch gives you the tools needed to find out this information in a hurry. All of the metrics in the custom section are updated every minute. This means you will be able to see changes in your app in real time.
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CloudWatch makes troubleshooting easy
Regardless of how well your app or program is constructed, you will eventually have problems to deal with. CloudWatch provides users with the ability to troubleshoot with ease due to their log filing and storing feature. Each time an error occurs on your app or program, it is stored in the CloudWatch system.
Going back and looking at these logs is a great way to figure out what issues have occurred. Once you have this information, you can begin the process of fixing the bugs in your app. The CloudWatch system also allows you to set an alarm so you get an alert each time an error is detected. The faster you are able to find out about these errors and fix them, the easier it will be to avoid losing customers.
You can’t afford to be without this monitoring solution
The worst mistake an app developer can make is trying to cut corners in an attempt to save money. While the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring program will require you to spend money, it is well worth the investment. The information you get from this program can help you optimize your programs easily.