Market Galee
Helping Indian Agriculture ecosystem to work efficiently

We all know that Indian Agricultural trade is going through a dark phase . Let's hear from Mr. Zakir Shaikh, Founder, Market Galee about his dream to contribute in uplifting Indian Argi Trade.
Market Galee is not my first start-up, I had a couple of failed start-ups before. I did a deep introspection on failed projects and found that I was not adding enough value to my customers lives. The restless feeling of not adding value made me nervous and started feeling like am nothing and its high time I overcome that fear, the way to overcoming fear to going back to beginning. This enlightment of Adding Value made me think differently and I started seeing world differently.
In summer of 2016 During One of my classes in Cornell University while taking a break in Sage hall. I was reading a FB Post of farmer suicides in India, that had touched my sole and started a discussion with my close buddy Ranju Chougle in India and he too share same sentiment.
We started thinking about controllable variables in Ag business and interviewed 75 farmers via SKPYE in India along with students in Belgaum and kolhpur and parlelly collected data from Govt on pricing trends of produce items at state level and found that this industry can be managed in better way and we can make our farmers more profitable and empower our brokers, wholesalers in a big way.
I had many doubt about this idea of helping Farmer in India etc. I decided to talk to my one of my favourite buddy of my MBA Class Krishan Veer an IIT Grad he said “Zak adding value to our country’s farmers is one of the best thing can be done from our education and experiences. This is like a boost to Market Galee.

Mr. Zakir Shaikh - Founder - Market Galee while presenting a paper at one of the conferences
Market Galee won second place Cornell Shark Tank 2016 and I got a congratulation note on linkedin from my close buddy Shantanu Baraskar from Mumbai asking how he can add value to our farmers. He is our Marketing Guru and head marketing activities.
We have determined to embark the adventurous Journey of adding value to our farmers and brokers of Ag business in India and overseas by making their trade easy.
Finally, This may or may not be the business you want to be part of, but the LEAF one can take out is Adding Value to Customer, can make the journey worthwhile.