Tips for new android app developer
I hope this article really help you to enhance your app performance in Google Play Store, If you want to build a one using this tricks, you must learn Android Certification. To know more tricks stay connected with us.

Tips to build Android Apps
Hey! The great tips for the one who wants to become an Android App Developer and also the expert in Android application development. Have you noticed that they are accurately thousands of Android apps available in the Google Play Store, but some apps only flooded with good reviews and great download ratio, why other apps can’t get? Have you thought any days? How to improve apps performance to get more good reviews from the end-user? Here are the great tips sort out from the experts in Android App development. To know more tips and tricks learn Android Training in Chennai
1. Go Behind Android App Design Guidelines
Google has taken the independence of creating a complete set of guidelines to build an Android app designing that every professional developer should follow closely. Most of the experts not following the guidelines, it leads to pulling your apps down in Google Play Store. By following the Google App designing guidelines you will get more benefits from the Google. We will teach you all the basic Google guidelines to build quality Android Apps in our Android Training.
2. Stay with Latest Updates
Infrequently, Google has to announce the new updates to its modern SDK, which gives experts in Android with the fresh way of doing things. If there any latest updates come in Android, Developer should implement that in their application. If you want to build a quality app, the developer should implement the current features and functionality in their apps so that they can sustain longer. But most of the developer does not concentrate on keeping apps updated, If you remain the apps competitive in the world, then you will forever be at the peak of the fresh standard set forth by Google.
3. Dip Yourself in Android
I am not clear how many Android developers effectively using Android devices as much as normal end-users. It’s not only enough to monitor the new Android features, if you want to enhance your skills you must participate a large number of an official Android community so that you can easily adopt with latest updates and also you can easily fix the existing issue in an easy way. Your self-learning is more important than other things. Always engage with Social Media, because professional are always throwing more useful information about your interest on Social platforms.
4. Build Apps for Multiple Devices
Apart from the other mobile application platform, Android has some special features, it has multiple choices. While creating apps you need to remind to create apps for multiple devices. Android apps can run in a different set of devices and all have different kinds of screen size. As a developer, you can’t test your Android application on each and every device. In order to maintain reliability all over the many devices, the best thing you can do is use DIP (Density Independent Pixels) instead of using pixel in your layout. Using this method Android will automatically calculate the accurate amount of pixel for the specific devices what end-users are using.
5. Limit Vital Permissions
By enhancing the rate of Malware in Android caused most of the user to be more caution and secure with the apps they download. When asking a long list of permissions for the single app can be a very uncomfortable experience for an end-user, so it’s essential that you reduce the number of permission your application required. If you limit the required permissions, you will get a lot of downloads for your apps.
I hope you find some useful tips from this article, To know more tactics to build a high-quality Android Apps learn Android Course in Chennai.