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Girl as an owner of social media marketing firm

I tussle for my space with everyone. I was in dilemma weather I will be accepted as a social media expert especially in the region like Saurashtra. Yes I was less accepted and it was expected

Girl as an owner of social media marketing firm

Monday September 19, 2016 , 2 min Read

I am freelancer contractor, poet, writer, translator, social media expert, content writer self array of work decision. Being daughter I was expected to stay at home as I was in Rajkot from last seven years for study. Being career oriented I wanted to earn and chasing my dreams. In this muddle situation need to craft middle way. 

આજ કવિતા બોલકી થઇ

હું શબ્દો સાંભળતી થઇ.

લાગણીનીં જુગલબંધી જામી

આમ હસ્તપ્રદનીં આપ-લે ચાલી

અંતર ઘટ્યા શબ્દોનાં શબ્દથી

ઉભરી શામ આમ રંગોનાં મેળથી

આજ કવિતા બોલકી થઇ

હું શબ્દો સાંભળતી થઇ.

- શિવાંગી


After pursuing Mba with marketing I fallen in love with a topic called social media. I learned and crafted my own way of marketing I call it as a 360 Degree Social Media Marketing Services. Girl in social media are less accepted and expected. I tussle for my space with everyone. I was in dilemma weather I will be accepted as a social media expert especially in the region like Saurashtra. Yes I was less accepted and it was expected. But none can stop me on the way of social media handling . 

After a brain storming session with myself I ordain to start work from home. Initially I was uncomfortable but yes it worked and I started chasing my passion. At last I want to say tons of thanks to my supporters and non-supporters to generate burning desire in me.


Weather we like it or not:

Social media is not going anywhere any time soon.

social media creates brand awareness.

It is great way to get "right" people by creating buzz with valuable and entertaining fresh face.

We need to step out for "being heard"

Social media is an extension of your customer service.

If you already have a social media presence it is important to carefully curate and maintain conversation.

De-facto people are talking by typing. So partner up with 360 Degree Social Media to start, support, engage and show that you care!

We care for your brand

Yes I am a girl and owning Social Media Firm.
