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An Engineer’s Journey to Ayurveda and Yoga

This story is about an engineer who suffered a spine injury, which motivated him to leave his 12 year corporate job in US to start a venture in Alternate medicine and Yoga.

An Engineer’s Journey to Ayurveda and Yoga

Sunday October 15, 2017 , 4 min Read


I, a computer science engineer by profession who graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA), have been working in the Technology industry for past 12 years, both in United States and India. I worked with DELL, and a California based startup called ‘Perspica Inc.’ as a Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics Engineer. Recently I relocated to India and, given my inclination towards alternative medicine as well as my family’s experience in herbal medicines since 1892, I quit my engineering job to start Matsya-Veda Herbals, an Alternative & Holistic health service.

Mayank Garg<br>

Mayank Garg


My connection with Yoga and Ayurveda began in 2004 when I sustained a spine injury, where the L4-L5 disc in my spine slipped from its position. This led to lower back pain and triggered sciatica pain in the right leg. I couldn't walk or sit for a long duration and was on bed rest for three months. I got an X-Ray & MRI and consulted numerous orthopaedic surgeons both in India and U.S. Each one proposed spine surgery given the dislocation of the disc. They also mentioned, I would need to maintain life-long precautions, such as no heavy lifting, bending forward, etc. At the age of 21, it was disturbing to realize the future of my lifestyle would be restricted.

As a result, I looked for alternative medicine and practices such as Homeopathy and Ayurveda for treatment of slip-disc. Ms. Shobha, a yoga teacher, introduced me to Dr. Vijay Prakash, a veteran ayurveda doctor specialising in pulse reading (“nadi-shastra”) to diagnose ailments. He has been practising Ayurveda for 40 years and has 15 patents to his name. He has additionally worked with UNESCO on different projects and has widely travelled to the U.S. and Canada for the same. With Dr Vijay’s treatment, I started feeling better, and within a month, I was back to my normal lifestyle. I even avoided spine surgery, which was a big relief! That was the beginning of my curiosity and inclination towards healing powers of Yoga and Ayurveda. 10 years later, I am very glad I have lived a normal life with no restrictions.

Since 2004, my family and friends have been consulting Dr Vijay as well. He has treated patients from all over the world who suffer from complex ailments such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Heart Blockages, Epilepsy, Stage 1 Cancer, Spinal Injuries, Fibroids, Tumors, Infertility, Migraine, Skin Disorders, Thyroid, etc. I recommended a friend with epilepsy, and she was cured with Dr. Vijay’s treatment. With Dr. Vijay’s treatment, my uncle was also able to avoid open-heart surgery. My cousin had chronic indigestion with swelling in the liver. After consulting various gastroenterologists in US with no solution, he took Dr. Vijay Prakash’s treatment and is now cured. Over the course of these numerous examples, I realized that seeing people getting healed gave me utmost happiness.


Fast forwarding to 2015, I had recently relocated to India. For many years, I had practised various types of Yoga and took Ayurvedic remedies when needed. I had understood the true value of Health and never took it for granted after my injury. In August, I quit my job and pursued my passion towards Yoga and Ayurveda. I was fascinated how Yoga and Ayurveda could treat even the toughest diseases today. Thus I founded “MatsyaVeda Herbals”, an alternative and holistic health service, under the guidance of Dr. Vijay Prakash (Ayurveda Acharya) and Dr. Shobha (Yoga Acharya). 

I feel this entrepreneurial journey has been tough, but satisfying – especially when folks share their healing experiences with me. Modern lifestyle has made our lives comfortable, but have deteriorated our health and general well being. I am firmly convinced that Ayurveda and Yoga can heal us and bring us closer to nature. The closer we are to nature, the better lives we can live.

Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath has said, “We are all part of nature. We are created by nature, nurtured by nature, and taken by nature. We are coming from nature, and we are going back to nature. That means we are nature. Every vital breath, consciousness, and an individual soul are given by nature. An individual’s life and nature are the same. If this principle is clear then how Ayurveda works is also clear. For human body, mind, and spirit, all the supplementation and solutions are available in nature. Understanding it, everyone can make the use of natural resources to find his or her own balance and to enhance life.”

Mayank Garg