Impact of artificial intelligence on HR technology
AI and HR

The umbrella term for software and hardware it automates the human resources function in organization. One of the most discussed and debated trends of the contemporary times in the HR Technology is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As per recent predictions, AI is going to be the crunch point, in terms of productivity for HR professionals.
It has been feared by many professionals that machine is going to take away their jobs. Basically there is no reason to be cautiously optimistic; this is quite early to predict the actual impact of AI in HR and Talent Acquisition. Just like any other technology, if not used properly and with appropriate strategy, the users may fall into difficulty.
Before we begin discussing, let’s take a look to find what AI means actually. Artificial Intelligence forms the area of computer science where the computers behave similarly like a human brain.
Four Ways in which AI could impact HR
Personalization/Onboarding: Each new employee has his or her respective learning preferences. Any onboarding and training software doesn’t always support these. The employee related training and also coaching forms one of the potential impacts of AI.
The machine learning algorithm making movie and restaurant recommendation will be available to develop similar customization for new employees in training. With a collection of more employee data, the system should become even smarter, thus making a better recommendation and more efficient training.
Scheduling: Just imagine a world, where you have a machine to book meetings, schedules and also order food without doing any single thing. Does it sound nice to you?
Let’s introduce you to Amy Ingram. Amy Ingram is an AI personal assistant aiming to take away the pain of scheduling. The systems like Amy Ingram has become one of the popular tools for the schedule of interview, performance reviews.
Candidate Engagement: All teams don’t have enough recruiters and even right tools enabling them to engage with their talents as often as they should. We can potentially use AI, which enables the automation of email sending and also the status message.
If properly done this could lead to an improvement in the candidate experience. The automation messages are not always welcome by the end user. So it will be authenticity, which is going to be the name of the game.
Prediction: Assessing and predicting future turnover, employee engagement, and training needs, and also other workforce trends engages a lot of time, but this forms to be a critical component of HR. AI and deep learning must use data for accurate and quicker prediction than ever before. The information provided could be invaluable to HR professionals to help advise organization on change.
Sentiment Analysis: When comes to sentiment analysis, AI is another game changer. The companies having a huge of survey data, and also feedback data and AI can easily identify the trends in the sentiments of employees. This also helps in locating geographies, offices or teams, which are under stressful condition by monitoring the sentiment of their emails and conversation. This marks the beginning; there will be developments in the future.
Video Interviews: At least 40 to 50% of companies are now using the video-based interview. These videos are stored in the database and can be analyzed by AI for determining the interviewee’s mood. It judges whether or not the candidate is telling the truth; and also other components like the candidate’s skills, language, and education level.
Hindrances for adopting AI:
Though quickly becoming powerful, into the HR industry; there are a number of barriers witnessed, which includes lack of expertise for adopting automation, lack of support for change management and also the unstable infrastructure to manage the employee records. Nevertheless, the robots can never be a substitute for human in HR as they are unable to address sensitive problems in the workplace just like a human being.
The future growth
AI has become one of the vital tech trends, which must be embraced to drive inch perfect decision-making and also effective people management. So as to tackle the obstacles, HR teams must encourage for relieving their fears. So it is essential for the employers to train the HR department to work jointly with advanced technologies thus comprehending the power of robotics in HR.