Awaken the All-rounder in You! Tips for Every Working Professional
The struggle to achieve balance between our personal and professional life continues for most part of our lives. Moreover, as a working professional, it becomes challenging to live the best of the both worlds. But with these simple and effective tips, you can easily strive balance between the two.
Waking up at 5 am is a normal thing. But what she does, the rest of the day isn’t really normal. The morning hours are badly busy in preparing and packing breakfast and lunch for kids and everyone else at home. Even then she manages to go out for a 30-minute walk with her dog. Cutting through the traffic jams and skipping her breakfast, she manages to reach her desk at 10 am with a sandwich in her hand. Cups of coffee, loads of work, and fast approaching deadlines keep her working till the clock strikes 6 in the evening.
Forget the lunch! She has to pick her kids and drop him to the daycare for the rest of the day she has to work in the office. The day doesn’t end here. Cooking dinner and preparing stuff for the next day nearly breaks her off.
You must be wondering who this wonder woman is? Read it again. This is story of you and me struggling each day to fulfill the expectations and demands of professional and personal lives.
It is about people like us who may or may not be successful by now, but are still hungry for success. A stressful routine takes away the opportunities to grow in our lives. Undoubtedly, we are already working as all-rounders in everyday life. The only difference is that we aren’t able to channelize our energies and time for our personal growth and development. In this article, we are going to talk about some useful tips for all those career-crazy professionals who wish to excel limitlessly.
Tips for Personal Development and Growth
Real growth begins when you recognize your limitations and learn to grow beyond them. This is about investing in personal development, which will make you make you stand out as an intelligent and experienced leader. Here a few interesting tips and habits every working professional must follow for awakening inner dynamism-
1. Relax and Rejuvenate your Body and Mind
Physical workout is essential to keep yourself fit and healthy. By sitting and working throughout the day, you are inviting disease to haunt your body. To stay safe from them, you need to invest atleast 3-40 minutes in vigorous physical activity. This could be anything like cardio, walking, swimming, weight lifting or anything else you might like.
Another important ritual for self-development is meditation. Researches have revealed that meditation helps to rebuild the grey matter in the brain which is good for creativity and learning. Also, meditation keeps unnecessary stress and negative thoughts at bay. Physical exercises keeps you fit at the body level whereas meditation is important for mental hygiene.
2. Develop the Habit of Reading
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot
Find at least 20 minutes in your day to read something. Pick up anything that interests you and just go through some pages before you begin your day. If your day begins at a busy note, carry your book along and make sure you open it before the lunch break. Reading before going to bed is also preferable, if you remain distracted for the day long.
Another good option is to subscribe to a local newspaper, national distribution such as The New York Times or a digital edition. Read about news from other parts of the world while you are browsing internet.
3. Get Enrolled in a Self-Learning Course
Self-learning courses are a great means to improve your skills and learn new stuff. You can go for any course that interests you among the variety of courses available online. Sign up for these classes via online or classroom teaching mode. They are easily available at an inexpensive rate and give you a great chance to explore your interests.
4. Be a Part of Local Events
A great way to build new connections and explore new things is by involving with local groups. I am sure there must be a lot of social and professional groups working at a local level. You can get involved with a NGO that addresses social concerns or get involved in a group of amateur writers and musicians. Such events are an opportunity to explore the creative side of oneself.
Tips for Professional Development and Growth
In today’s fast growing world, achieving excellence at your workplace is a challenging task. Modern day professionals have to undergo a lot of unwanted circumstances in their offices every day. But, the best things in the world don’t come easily. One has to move ahead with valor and courage to fulfill the demands and unrealistic expectations of the world outside.
Here are a few tips for working professionals to cope up with the challenges of the real world -
1. Don’t Ever Lose Self-Confidence
My advice to young entrepreneurs is not to accept defeat in the face of odds, and challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence and conviction. - Dhirubhai Ambani
It is easy to lose confidence when things go upside down. But, you need to remember that success only comes to those who have confidence in their efforts. In fact, you must look confident even when you don’t feel. Even if a situation seems to take your challenge away, try to rebuild it right there and then. Be confident and believe that things will work out.
2. Have the Ability to Take Decisions
Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage. Making critical decisions about your career, business, investments and other resources conjures up fear, fear that is part of the process of becoming a financial success. -Thomas J. Stanley
The ability to take the right decision at the right time is the greatest gift anyone can have. But most of us lose the ability to take decisions in the midst of chaos and confusion. Excellence in the workplace comes with your ability to take right decisions and continue to hold onto them. Always rely on your own instinct, experiences, and actual figures before reaching to a conclusion.
3. Move Ahead with Team Spirit
There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” ― Idowu Koyenikan
Great teams can do great jobs easily. We all know this. If you want to be successful in the long run, you must always work with a team spirit. A well-collaborated team can easily conquer the toughest of the battles with ease. Make sure you uplift your coworkers, inspire them, and move ahead with them as one team. Doing this, you will realize your troubles and work gets reduced by half and productivity gets double.
I hope the above points will help you to outgrow your limitations and shortcomings. Let the sky be your limit and don’t let anyone stop you from reaching it. Good Luck :)
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